Product Update Issue 9: C-OP Hatching Program Imminent

UNN Finance
UNN Finance Updates & Ideas
2 min readMar 8, 2021


C-OP Hatching Program to begin early next week.

After C-OP Hatching, we fix any major bugs found during testing, complete audit, then launch on mainnet.

ULend front-end metrics, logic check, and bug fixing continue. Back-end updated for gas-optimized C-OP.

C-OP Hatching Program: Warming the Hearth

C-OP liquidity ready for testing!

Many preparations this week across software, infrastructure, community, and logistics:

  1. The beta version of C-OP deployed to test environment.
  2. C-OP liquidity pool seeded, ready for testers to buy C-OP.
  3. Test DAI and ETH on Rinkeby all ready for distribution to testers. Kudos to our developers for rounding up Rinkeby ETH, saving our testers the effort of getting their hands on these precious test ETH.
  4. Telegram group for selected beta testers created and members filling up. If you signed up, and haven’t gotten an invite please contact our admins at A sweet incentive awaits you at the end of testing, and you get to experience how easy it is to purchase C-OP and maybe buy your first ever DeFi American put option.

The environment has been prepared and the players are gathering. As shared in our last issue, we expect the testing to take 1.5–2 weeks. Any blocker bugs will be addressed and we will enter final audit.

Once audit passed, we will launch C-OP, which will have an attractive incentive for liquidity providers.

ULend: More Stats, More Graphs!

Why yes, you can borrow against UNN.
  1. ULend’s interest rate models wired up and react properly to utilization rates.
  2. Borrow balance and utilization changes displaying correctly in borrow and claims windows.
  3. The new gas-optimized C-OP contracts integrated.
  4. Work continues on state changes and validation in various windows (such as error messages when input amounts are invalid). While these minute changes individually aren’t difficult, the sheer number of states and interactions make completing these tasks a lengthy process.

For more info, follow us at:




Telegram ANN:


  1. UNION is not an insurance company and UNION does not sell policies of insurance.
  2. UNION is not an issuer of CDOs.
  3. We are in rapid development phase, and the screens may or may not look like these in final product. Some of the numbers shown are placeholders.



UNN Finance
UNN Finance Updates & Ideas

Building a set of tools to create a complete ecosystem, specifically designed for DeFi