Introducing an upgraded Union Interface

Jacob Shiach
Union Finance
2 min readDec 5, 2022


Today we’ve deployed a complete overhaul of the the Union interface.

The backend has been completely rewritten from scratch, which means all pages now load up to 90% faster, and future development will be more efficient.

  • Wagmi Refactor + RainbowKit: Tooling has improved a lot in the last 2 years. Whereas you used to have to custom build a lot to have a half decent experience. Now, wagmi + rainbowkit gets you 85% there. Switching to these libraries will allow us to more easily support new wallets and networks 😉.
  • Improved Experience for New and Potential Members: Onboarding has been a point of friction for new members. /get-started is now designed to teach new members the key actions, and prompts you to vouch for a friend on joining.
  • Multicall and cache all of the things — batching calls and smarter caching results in a dapp experience thats indistinguishable from a web2 fintech app. [Arguably even better!]
  • CAIP compatible profile urls — Profiles are specific to networks (caip support). While an EOA has the same address on multiple networks, contracts don’t and arb1:address should be treated differently than eth:address. You’ll now share the network of the vouch along with your profile ala
  • Deprecated Chain specific subdomains — Your wallet now connects to app and then chooses network. This plays nicer with ipfs support and multi network Union.

Check it out ~>

If you’d like to help improve the Union app or notice any bugs: Share them in the union interface repo.

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