A fun, new brand that helps connect Arc Analytics with Google Analytics.
Arc Analytics ❤ popsicles

Arc Analytics Rebranded

When should a small business prioritize branding vs product development?

Ryan Felgate
Published in
3 min readApr 14, 2021


Arc was always meant to be a fun brand. But when we started, we focused on talking to customers and building a product that solved a basic need: Sharing Google Analytics data in Slack. We’re a small team of three people with limited time, so branding didn’t bubble to the top of our priority list. We were entirely dedicated to adding features, supporting our customers, and doing our best to become THE Google Analytics Slack app.

Recently, we started building the final feature on our original roadmap, Google Analytics Dimensions. With the end of that original plan in sight, we decided that now was the time to reinvent our brand and make it something we could be proud of. It was important for us to make this change before we continued extending Arc Analytics functionality into the future.

We know that most teams find it difficult to get excited about data so we needed our brand to help lighten the mood!

Most businesses focusing on data have similar branding: Graphs, metrics related business jargon, charts, business people pointing at charts, lists of features, colourful charts, multiple types of graphs, light bulbs, and some extra adventurous rocket ships overlaid on graphs. We wanted to bring the fun to metrics, so we chose to avoid the typical options. We created a mascot for our business: a popsicle.

Why a Popsicle? Great question. The only answer we have is:

Why not a popsicle?

We wanted to bring something fun and interesting into our business. Arc Analytics was always meant to be a fun brand and popsicles are fun. It’s approachable and interesting and looks happy. Just like the reports that Arc creates for your team.

The colours are consistent with the Google Analytics palette to create a sense of connection. But those familiar colours are combined with cute faces, emojis, and copy that starts to show that Arc has a deeper personality than our original graphs and a factual tag lines.

We’re incredibly happy with our new popsicle mascot and the fun, approachable energy it brings to our site. Our users also agree, because since our rebrand we’ve seen a 10% increase in conversions from the Slack App directory!

That’s another way Arc helps keep things fun. A slightly larger change than usual with an equally larger than usual impact. 👊



Ryan Felgate
Union Code

Co-Founder of https://arc.ai and https://enjoyfieldtrip.com . Building tools for #remotework. Love hockey and the #detroitredwings.