Currency Localization in Arc Analytics

Arc Analytics now supports localized currency for all Google Analytics reports sent to Slack

Ryan Felgate
Union Code


When Arc Analytics was released we built it based on what we knew, the North American market. So Arc only displayed eCommerce results in $. Since then, we’ve gained users from around the world and everyone expects results in €, £, $, ¥, and more. 💱

Now, Arc Analytics displays currency based on your Google Analytics settings. If your data is in ¥, Arc will show ¥. If your data is in CHF, Arc will show CHF. A simple update with big improvements for our users around the world. 🌎

Arc currency support

That’s another way Arc helps keep you focused on your revenue. A small change with a big impact. 👊

We take feedback very seriously! Reach out if you’ve got any questions or suggestions. We’d love to hear from you! Email!



Ryan Felgate
Union Code

Co-Founder of and . Building tools for #remotework. Love hockey and the #detroitredwings.