Custom Time for Reports in Arc Analytics

Michael Brooks
Union Code
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2020


When we first released Arc Analytics, your reports were sent to Slack at the bright and early hour of 9:00 AM. We wanted to keep the setup experience simple, so we avoided giving too many choices when we first launched.

Originally, reports were delivered at 9:00 AM

One of your most requested features was customizing the send time of reports. This is because everyone’s day is different. You may get into work at 9:00 AM, while your colleague strolls in at 11:15 AM. You may want to review your analytics at the end of the day, rather than the start. And sometimes it’s nice to have your latest web traffic report delivered to Slack just before an important meeting.

We wanted to keep the setup experience simple and that often means fewer choices at the beginning.

You can now choose the time that works best for you. 10:00 AM? 11:15 AM? 2:45 PM? We’ve got you covered! We love highly requested features like this because it earns its place as an important choice in the setup experience.

You can now choose the time to send your reports

Do you need to send reports at a very specific time? Maybe 10:13 AM and not a minute sooner? Let us know and we’ll help you out!

Never forget to check Google Analytics, again. Try Arc Analytics for free today!



Michael Brooks
Union Code

❤️ Open source, coffee, & climate 📚Thinking about personal development, entrepreneurship, & mindfulness 🙏 Previously @adobe, @apachecordova, @phonegap