Jump into Google Analytics from Slack

Arc now makes it easy for your team to open Google Analytics from Slack.

Michael Brooks
Union Code


Arc brings your Google Analytics activity into Slack. This helps digital marketers save time each day while staying on top of their data. It’s also a great way to give your team a birds-eye-view 🐦 and create awareness around metrics that they can impact. 🎯

Slack is a remarkable place to have discussions. By sharing Google Analytics with your Slack team, you’ll spark questions that lead to unexpected insights. While some teammates will go to you with their questions, others will want to explore the data themselves. By making it easy for people to explore the data, you’ll save time and empower your team.

Arc brings your Google Analytics activity into Slack.

Arc now makes it easier for your team to explore data by opening Google Analytics from Slack. At the bottom of every report, there’s a link that’s named after your Google Analytics account, property, and view. When a teammate selects it, their web browser opens to the Google Analytics view. With just one click, your teammates can begin to discover new insights!

Slack messages from Arc now have a bottom link that open Google Analytics in your web browser

Why does Arc simply open Google Analytics? We believe strongly in using the right tool for the right job. Google Analytics is a powerful tool to explore your web traffic while Slack excels at team communication. You don’t need another data explorer that pulls your team away from Google Analytics. Instead, we want to help your Slack team learn to use Google Analytics and discover insights about your audience.

Never forget to check Google Analytics, again. Try Arc Analytics for free today!



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