Over 200 New Metrics Added to Arc Analytics 🎉

Schedule Google Analytics reports that update Slack teams on how traffic is trending-over-time.

Michael Brooks
Union Code


To help you track the metrics that matter most, we’ve now added nearly every Google Analytics metric into Arc Analytics. This raises the total count to a heavy-weight 213 metrics and includes those available to Analytics 360. We hope this powerful update will help you track KPIs, keep your team up-to-date, and save you time!

Now you can also customize the look of your reports. ✨ Draw attention to reports using a graph 📊 Or keep things clean with a table 👌 It’s now your choice!

Get started by adding a Custom Report:

Get started by adding or editing a report in your project
Next, change the “Shown as” type to “Custom Report”
Finish by choosing the Google Analytics metric to report into Slack

Then customize the appearance of your report:

Hide the text description to focus on how the trends change-over-time…
…or hide the graph to highlight the big numbers…
…or show a text explanation to help everyone understand last week’s traffic!

📢 Stay tuned on Medium or Twitter as we bring custom metrics, dimensions, and segmentation for Google Analytics into Slack.

Never forget to check Google Analytics, again. Try Arc Analytics for free today!



Michael Brooks
Union Code

❤️ Open source, coffee, & climate 📚Thinking about personal development, entrepreneurship, & mindfulness 🙏 Previously @adobe, @apachecordova, @phonegap