Uniqly.io AMA with Gem Collectors.

Published in
10 min readMar 30, 2021

Gem Collectors,

Uniqly.io is the first bridge between NFT and real physical products, we can help you create a

NFT is backed by a real-world product, and you can redeem at any second.

And you can trade it on our marketplace or others such as OpenSea.

Our business model was born in response to a real market need. In my opinion NFT market

deserves more than just Crypto Punks, Memes, or Pepe, that’s why we’ve created Uniqly.io


Gem Collectors,

Now how did this idea originate or in other words, who founded Uniqly and how long ago

was it founded?

Hubert Dolata,

Basically we saw an opportunity, and that no one is doing it, that’s why we’re created Uniqly.

Founded in November 2020, and our team members are in the industry since 2016.

Gem Collectors,

My exact next question. A project is often as good as its team. Who is behind UNIQ? How

many team members are currently working on the ecosystem and what is their background?

Hubert Dolata,

So basically our entire team contains 5 “main” managers — Christopher Perdek, Mateusz

Bosek, Mateusz Kara, me (Hubert Dolata), and Eryk Królik. Additionally, we have 15 extra

teammates — 5 developers, 5 community managers, 1 social media manager, 1 accountant, 2

graphic designers, and 1 partnership manager.

Our CEO is in the crypto industry since 2016, Bitmex trader since day 1, and here’s even

proof of how he made 8 BTC starting from 0.1 BTC during the bear market:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StpPhWkGXZ8&t He’s always on the top of all of the

trends and did pretty great during the 2017 crash, and 2020–21 pump.

Uniqly CTO is creating one of the biggest CEX’s in Dubai, he have more than 9 years of

international experience in startup and enterprise environments. Building large-scale

applications in the Fintech industry for one of the largest banks — HSBC and the Biotechnology

industry for PCR projects in QIAGEN. Establishing and managing multicultural and crossfunctional teams for the Middle East clients as a Founder of Hubranch, blockchain enthusiast,

and engineering lead.

CLO is the co-owner of the biggest crypto cantor in Poland — Bitcan.pl, a Business-oriented

the lawyer focused mostly on Blockchain projects, tokenization, cryptocurrency, AML, and Fintech.

Mateusz is also a Managing Director in the Litpay ltd. based in Poland and Co-owner of

accounting office TAXO. His main goal is to face challenges in law and technology in a practical way.

I’m personally a Head of Marketing, and I have a ton of experience in crypto marketing, some of

the crypto firms I was associated with are CryptoPotato.com, TheCryptoApp (the biggest

crypto mobile app on the market with over 1.3 MLN downloads), TeamFinance, HPB.io, and

many many more. So basically Uniqly.io was created by the best leaders in the industry, and

we’re looking to shake the entire NFT market.

Gem Collectors,

So let’s zoom in. Uniqly consists of multiple features, ranging from escrow to NFT

tokenization of physical goods to a marketplace. Can you briefly give us an overview of each of

these features?

Hubert Dolata,

Yes sure, so basically we’ve 5 main things: Marketplace, Escrow, NFT Materialization, NFT

Staking, Generator, and proof of ownership.

-Marketplace — Allow users to trade NFT tokens backed by real-world items. Anyone will be

able to create their own unique landing page and list their products created in our generator, or

deposited via escrow.

- Escrow — We have created a solution that allows you to easily trade all physical products, even

those that were not created in our Generator, including clothing, works of art, collectibles, and


- NFT Materialization — We bring you the possibility to materialize your favorite NFT tokens from

outside of our ecosystems, such as Cryptopunks, Hashmasks, super rare, and many many more.

- NFT Staking (the one that will be ready at Uniswap listing) — Some limited NFT collections will

be available in exchange for freezing UNIQ tokens for an appropriate period of time, in

cooperation with other projects we will create additional mining pools.

- Generator and proof of ownership — On Uniqly.io you will be able to create a product, and

then base it on an NFT token e.g. T-shirt, hoodie, mug, flip-flops, etc. (50+ products) with the

possibility of claiming it, and signing it on Etherscan with your Full Name/Nickname on the

the burning transaction, and then we will materialize it, and add a QR code which will lead you to

the burning transaction on Etherscan.

Gem Collectors,

All of these 5 features are immediately accessible once the platform launches?

Hubert Dolata,

No, we will be launching them in 1–2 week periods. At Uniswap listing we will be having NFT

Stake. And please don’t get me wrong, we’re not limited to only merchandise, we’re just

starting with it, and there will be many many more.

Gem Collectors,

Can you provide us some NFT work

Hubert Dolata,

We’ve made a few t-shirt contests in collaboration with The Crypto App, and a few other

Influencers, as well we’re having a contest for our genesis NFT T-shirts, there’s only 1 day left to

join it, so I encourage everyone after the AMA to have a look at it

Our Genesis NFT T-shirt contest: https://twitter.com/Uniqly_io/status/1370718646809604096

The Crypto App T-shirt: https://twitter.com/TheCryptoApp/status/1370725073066328065

Gem Collectors,

Let’s dive a bit deeper into the Escrow service, I think this might be one of the most

innovative in my opinion. We’ve seen NFT’s being made of digital ‘stuff’ (tweets turned into

NFT’s for example), yet Uniqly will provide a bridge to the other direction. Will it be possible

to get any item, let’s say a rare Pokemon card, and turn it into a digital equivalent?

Hubert Dolata,

To answer your question, I will share a screenshot from our whitepaper which can be found

at: https://www.uniqly.io/whitepaper.pdf

Yes, it is possible. To understand how it works, I will describe the above screenshot in a few


1. You’re the owner of a very rare supreme hoodie, and you would like to create an NFT token

from it.

2. You’ve to visit Uniqly.io then you’ve to create an NFT Token and wait for our confirmation.

3. You’re sending your hoodie to one of our warehouses, then our specialists are checking it.

4. If our specialist will confirm that the hoodie is original, then we’re confirming this NFT Token.

5. That’s it you’re the lucky owner of an NFT token that is exchangeable for the rare supreme

hoodie, we’re the third-party validator that guarantees the legitimateness. Right now you can

do anything you want with that token — sell it on any marketplace, enter the NFT ecosystem,

give it to your friends, or anything you can think of. 6. Let’s say that you’ve sent that token to

your friend, and he would like to exchange it for this rare hoodie, then all he have to do is enter

our platform, burn the token, add shipping details, and that’s it —

Gem Collectors,

How far is this feature developed? Are there already Uniqly warehouses, if so where?

Hubert Dolata,

Yes at the moment, only 2 members of our team know the location of the warehouse, and

we prefer to keep it private, because of safety reasons. There will be many exclusive items

inside of it, and we can’t disclose that information right now.

Gem Collectors,

Are you worried about fraud?

Hubert Dolata,

No, our specialists are checking it, and they’re making sure everything is 100% legit.

Gem Collectors,

How many orders can they keep an eye on each day?

Hubert Dolata,

To be honest, it’s very hard to predict, and we will be obviously hiring more people during the

growth of our platform. The escrow services will start in Q4 2021, and all of the previously

mentioned things (Marketplace, Generator, NFT Materialization, NFT Staking will be released in

1–2 weeks periods.

Gem Collectors,

Alright so, the Escrow bridges from physical goods to NFT’s, yet Uniqly will also provide the

other direction; from NFT’s to 3D objects. How exactly does this mechanism work?

Hubert Dolata,

Our subcontractors will be taking care of the 3D objects, it’s nothing complicated, I’m sure

you’ve already seen many of them. If we’re talking about memes then they will be printed on

canvas, and both of these products will have an NFC PIN, which will lead to the Etherscan. We’re

also using IPFS technology.

Gem Collectors,

Now, Uniqly is aiming to bridge a major gap between the real world and the crypto world.

Which partnerships will help accomplish this?

Hubert Dolata,

Oh, that’s actually a really great question, to just give you some sneak-peeks — tomorrow we

will announce one of the partnerships that will really help us a lot, not just a partnership to do

the announcement, but a real-world use-case. The other Partnerships will be announced after the

Uniswap listing.

Gem Collectors,

How many partnerships does Uniqly have at the moment?

Hubert Dolata,

Officially the tomorrow's partnership will be our first one, BUT it’s only because we want to

keep the best things for our Uniswap listing. Our last public sale A $680 000 was sold out in 10

minutes, so we don’t fear for the last round of sale — public sale round B which will have a place

31.03. As well we already had many great collaborations with great influencers and everything

is featured on our Twitter account.

Gem Collectors,

Which marketing purposes are needed to push the project?

Hubert Dolata,

Our main focus is on great, real-world partnerships, Twitter and YouTube influencers, as well

we have already many telegram groups on-boarded with us. This is our main marketing

strategy, and obviously, our tech team is working every single day to deliver the best possible

platforms. Please remember that the price is very important but at the end of the day customer

satisfaction and our platforms are the things that we’re putting a lot of effort.

Gem Collectors,

Lastly, the launch & listing. There’s currently an oversubscription for the whitelist spots and

all previous rounds have been filled successfully. When will UNIQ launch and where will you

guys list on? And what is the plan regarding CEX listings?

Hubert Dolata,

Ok so basically we will start with Uniswap, and we will be their 15th of April or earlier.

Regarding our CEX listing — we’re talking with a few medium/big CEX’s but we cannot disclose

anything because of the NDA’s. But we will be sharing some sneak peeks regarding our CEX

listing so once again please follow our official Twitter account, and I can guarantee you won’t

miss anything. https://twitter.com/Uniqly_io

Gem Collectors,

Regarding your platform, the first thing that comes to my mind is regulations. You say you are

backed by real-world items. How did you go through all regulations?

Hubert Dolata,

So basically, what backed by real-world means that at any second we can create it for you,

and you will be able to redeem it in a matter of days. Regarding the regulations, we’re officially

registered in Poland, and our government treats us as a merch store that accepts crypto. So

there’s nothing extra special about the regulations, we’re working with the government and

keep everything 100% legal.

Gem Collectors,

Will Uniqly handle the manufacturing process itself? Or will have production business partners

around the world?

Hubert Dolata,

In the beginning, we will be handling everything by ourselves, but as we grow, we will be

having a certificated partner that will help us in manufacturing the items, so regardless your

location, we will be able to receive your product in 3–5 days — this is what we aim for, and we

will do everything to accomplish that.

Gem Collectors,

If I am an artist and I am interested in selling my art collections with you, how can I contact

you and what requirements do I need to be able to sell at Uniqly. Also, how safe would it be to

expose my work without it being copied through the internet, do you offer a copyright


Hubert Dolata,

You won’t need to contact us, our platform will be free to use for everyone. The only thing

that you will have to do is register on our platform, provide the details (No KYC required), and

start selling the masterpieces you’re creating. We can’t guarantee that none will copy your

work or your style, but with us you will be able to sign the first transaction with your

name/username, and in the future everyone will be able to simply check that transaction, and

see your name — and this is one of the ways we’re preventing the frauds.

About Uniqly.io

Uniqly — the first marketplace and escrow that allows you to create and trade NFT tokens with the possibility of materializing them in the real world.

Uniqly.io is a Marketplace and Escrow.

Marketplace — We allow our users to trade NFT tokens backed by real-world items. Anyone will be able to create their own unique landing page and list their products created in our generator, or deposited via escrow.

Escrow — We have created a solution that allows you to easily trade all physical products, even those that were not created in our Generator, including clothing, works of art, collectibles, and more.

Materialize and stake NFT tokens.

Materialize NFT — Uniqly.io brings you the possibility to materialize your favorite NFT tokens from outside of our ecosystems, such as Cryptopunks, Hashmasks, SuperRare, and many, many more!

Stake NFT — Some limited NFT collections will be available in exchange for freezing UNIQ tokens for an appropriate period of time, in cooperation with other projects we will create additional mining pools.

Generator and proof of ownership — On Uniqly.io you will be able to create a product, and then base it on an NFT token e.g. T-shirt, hoodie, mug, flip-flops, etc. (50+ products) with the possibility of claiming it, and signing it on Etherscan with your Full Name/Nickname on the burning transaction, and then we will materialize it, and add a QR code which will lead you to the burning transaction on Etherscan.

Learn More About Uniqly.io

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The first bridge between NFT and physical products.