Uniqly Project Update #7

Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2022

April in Uniqly has passed really busily. We are currently fully focused on gaining new partners and improving our capabilities to be stronger and more recognizable on the NFT scene. Also, our business model has been changed and it is beginning to bear fruit. Find out the recent updates!

After a break we are coming back to you with our Uniqly Project Update to provide the most important updates from the project. Every day we work hard to be a company known for our reliability and a leader in our field worthy of recommendation. Below we will present you the most important updates of last month. Let’s dive in!

UNIQ buyback burn

The news will please our all $UNIQ holders. We have done the first promised buyback burn! In total, 0,5% of the entire token supply (65,000 UNIQ) was burned. Here you can check the burning transaction:


Together with an increase of the Stores amount, the buyback burn transactions will be conducted regularly, so stay tuned for more!

New business model

As we have underlined several times, providing our services to the new partners is a core of our activity. Using this business model, we generate a steady and repeatable revenue stream even though the collection is not sold out. Thanks to this approach our business has never worked better and we look forward to the future months with even bigger expectations.

The result of our activity is really promising. Only last month, we gained a few partners who launched their collections on our platform with the Wearables 3.0 standard. Peacevoid, Axolittles, Bullieverse, and More Than Gamers were those to set up the Store on our platform.

Those collections give a total of 19 new unique designs that can be redeemed for physical products and Decentraland wearables. Additionally, CyberKongz has launched their private collection with 2 designs included. But that’s not all! Several partners are just waiting to set up their new Stores. Besides that, just in April, we had over 7000 new, unique visitors on the Uniqly.io site.

Platform upgrades

Our IT department is not idle. The most important update is a functionality that helps users to reduce the shipping cost. Our app recognizes that the user has redeemed any other item to a physical article in the last 5 days — if yes, it gives the opportunity to send another item at the same address while minimizing the cost of the box and delivery. So now, you can order up to 3 items just with one cost of carriage and boxing.

Besides that, we added a few sort options at ‘My Items’ page, for example now you can filter your items by redeem type (physical or Decentraland), or by collection.

You can also see the item history with a preview of key actions with the date and link to the transaction (mint, redeem, etc.).

Physical stuff

What’s new in our physicals department? Our focus is on establishing contacts with new printing houses and sewings. We are acquiring new cooperations, so by that there is a wider range of item types for you. New items are available for you — custom baseball jerseys, surfing collections, full-printed leggings and shorts, and more.

From now, it is also possible to print designs on the whole inner side of the products. For example, we can produce jackets with custom printed inner lining.

A search for new solutions is being conducted everyday to bring you the best and the most interesting things.

These were a few of the most important updates in the last month of our work. We are introducing many more facilities every day to be the best for you. Our departments are doing their best to make your experience memorable and pleasant. Stay tuned for more and further updates in the near future!

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The first bridge between NFT and physical products.