Uniqly Project Update #8 — Entering the Web2

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4 min readJun 10, 2022

Uniqly is constantly developing, that’s the fact. To confirm it, we decided to take the next, big steps. We have made some important decisions, hired a few specialists in new directions and we are ready to get to the next level! Are you wondering, what has changed in Uniqly last month? Check the new Uniqly Project Update!

May for sure was a fruitful month for Uniqly. Our recent decisions created wider perspectives from the business side. By that, our company will come out into another new direction and — as a result — open to a wider audience. We’re not stopping!

Web2 entry

As you know, for most of the time we were focused mainly on the Web3. But, as mentioned earlier, for quite some time we’re working on entering a new direction — Web2! During the last few months, our team has been strengthened by a few Web2 specialists, who already have many years of experience in their activities. Now, the time has come to implement our solutions and technology into the mainstream. We have great opportunities in terms of that challenge and it opens up some amazing possibilities. Let’s make Uniqly worldwide!

Fresh and simplified Proof of Authenticity

You’re probably familiar with our PoA, right? As you know, in Uniqly we can’t resist a minute without thinking about new solutions. Our physical department is developing a new version of the Proof of Authenticity — the most simplified one. In the near future, the whole label will become just one NFC tag, which after the scan will redirect you to the ‘Physical Item Details’ page.

A very important aspect is that the NFC tags will be secured with the NTAG 424 DNA technology, which protects from overwriting the data. The design of the label has changed too.

Stay tuned, we will announce the new tag soon!

IT updates

Our IT department is not resting as well. In the last month a few updates were introduced:

  • Physical card to NFT — the ability to mint NFT once the code is scanned from the physical card without any minting fees! A great tool for projects, including simple minting at events, conferences, etc.;
  • Physical item to NFT — entering Web2 with NFT i.e. minting tokens from the physical item (which already exists) — setting foot into more worlds with real things, giving the opportunity to use the NFT dimension for a wider community;
  • The “Create store” form that automates, accelerates, and facilitates the store creation process and minimizes the contact between Partner and Uniqly’s Sales department. Through it, the partner is able to complete all the data needed to implement the store — smart contract information, payment tokens, requirements for the NFTs purchase, etc.
  • Requirements update — the ability for a partner to add purchase requirements to have a specific ERC-1155 token in the wallet
  • New design of our cards — a nicer and clearer card design, improved visibility of dark items

Sales news

We have a few numbers for you from our Sales Department. Just in May, we launched 4 Stores with 16 new, fresh DCL and Physical designs and more than 12K tokens supply. Among our new Partners, you can find projects like MetaKey and SupDucks, so we are extremely happy to have such well-known NFT brands cooperating with us.

Besides that, our NFTs were redeemed to the physical form 350 times in total during May! That is a really impressive number of physical products delivered right to your doorstep! We are happy that so many of you want to dress up our phygital merches in the real world!

Marketing changes

As we wanted to slightly refresh our marketing, we have hired a new Marketing Manager. We believe that fresh blood in our team will make a significant impact on the promotion and communication, both, in Web2 and Web3. The new team member has lots of interesting ideas and a powerful imagination, which will help us improve our marketing, and — hopefully — bring us a bigger community! Because of the new directions of our activities, we are very motivated and excited.


As you may already know, we have become a Sponsor of NFT.NYC the second year in a row. The event will take place on 20–23 June in New York City and we hope to meet you face-to-face at the event! We are going to NYC in a larger team, so search our stand and let’s talk. We hope to meet many Web3 buddies!

Additionally, we have prepared something special for you. There will be a few giveaways and contests, in which you will have the chance to win or get phygital merch. More info will be revealed soon, so stay tuned!

Thanks to the unique knowledge of our employees we determine new operational horizons and we successively aim at achieving intended goals. We’re still working on new solutions, so stay tuned for the next, fresh news from our hard-working team!

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The first bridge between NFT and physical products.