10 Tips To Navigate Through Your Design Graduation Project

Hey there! Welcome to graduation project season.

Jagriti Kale


Hey! Jagriti here, a Product Designer at Uniqode.

The transition from an intern to a full-time designer was a rush! As I reflect on my journey at Uniqode I can’t help but trace back to where it all began. It was a pivotal moment where theory met with practice and creativity in the real world. Join me as I delve into the intricacies of my internship journey at Uniqode, it has tips and tricks I learned along the way, and I hope it helps you transform your graduation project into your design career.

Look at my pretty graduation book!

A glimpse into my graduation project

My graduation project at Uniqode — a B2B SaaS startup located in Bangalore — was to design and implement a ‘smart rule’ feature for the QR Code product. This feature aimed to provide users with dynamic and interactive QR Code creation abilities. I took charge of the entire design process, from conducting research to creating final designs and prototypes. This task was in the pipeline for Uniqode for a long time and had the potential to turn into a great graduation project. I am grateful to the Product and the Design team who let me work on this impactful project and gave me all the creative freedom to explore it.

These are some of the initial ideas and wireframes we made for smart rules.

Alright then

Your graduation project is more than just another assignment — it’s your big opportunity to flaunt all that you’ve learned, put theory into action, and leave a lasting impression on potential employers. However, we know the pressure can be quite high.

I’ve put together 10 tips to guide you in crafting a project that truly stands out and having a memorable graduation project experience.

Signing, smiling, and seizing the graduation.

1. Remember, You’re not just an intern anymore 🎓

It would help if you forget about being the quiet observer in the corner. Dive into your project with the confidence and enthusiasm of a full-time designer. Don’t be shy about sharing your thoughts, asking questions, and jumping into brainstorming sessions. Your unique perspective and fresh ideas can be invaluable assets to the team.

2. Own the project like it’s yours 👩‍💻

Let’s be honest, who loves constant instructions? This is your chance to showcase your leadership and ownership skills. Don’t wait for someone to hand you tasks — take initiative, suggest solutions, and actively contribute to the project’s direction. This proactive approach will demonstrate your ability to manage a project from conception to completion.

A roasting session that no one deserves [but makes us stronger]

3. Think beyond the grade 🧮

Sure, getting that good grade is important, but let’s be real — this project can be so much more! Think strategically and see how your project can truly align with the company’s goals. Ask yourself: “How can my design contribute to their growth? How can it make a real difference?” Imagine the feeling of presenting a solution that not only gets you a stellar grade but also excites the team at the company. That’s the power of design with impact!

4. Discover your design passion 🌼

These few months offer a unique opportunity to explore different design facets and see what sparks your curiosity. This isn’t just about the final product; it’s about discovering all the exciting possibilities design offers. So ditch the comfort zone! Shadowing managers/mentors, and volunteering for a cross-functional project with marketers and engineers really helped me. You never know what hidden talents you might discover!

Only Harshit knows the BTS of these activities.

5. Mistakes are your wingmen ⚠️

We all make mistakes — I know I tripped up a few times during my own project! But here’s the secret: those goof-ups can be your best teachers. Don’t be afraid to experiment and take risks, because even the stumbles offer valuable lessons. Think of it like this: analyze what went wrong, learn from it, and use that knowledge to refine your approach. Besides, who wants a boring, predictable project journey anyway?

6. Collaboration is key 🤝

The more you collaborate with product managers, engineers and the marketing team, the more you learn how each piece of the puzzle fits together. Participate in research workshops, bounce ideas off your team, and soak up all the knowledge you can. You’ll be surprised by the incredible insights you gain from different perspectives. It’s about becoming a well-rounded designer who can thrive in any team environment.

Guess who won the game??

7. Culture fit matters 🏢

Your graduation project might lead to a full-time offer, so pay close attention to the company culture. Observe how people interact, and participate in team outings, and get a feel for the overall atmosphere. The goal is to find an environment where creativity is celebrated. Ask yourself: “Can I see myself growing and thriving here? Does the company culture align with my values? Does it fuel my design passion?”

8. Build lasting connections 🫶

These are the people who will support you through the project’s highs and lows. I suggest building genuine connections with your colleagues and seeking out mentors who can offer guidance (and maybe even a pep talk or two!). I know ditching the social awkwardness is difficult but trust me you’ve got it.

OG Design Interns

9. Document your journey ✍️

Every project has its own twists and turns; it’s a story of your growth as a designer. It’s a chance to capture how you think and make certain design decisions. Record your ideas, sketches, prototypes, iterations, and even your “aha!” moments. Down the line, documenting your successes, challenges, and everything in between will not only be a source of motivation but also a reference tool for future projects.

10. Don’t forget to have fun! 🤸‍♂️

Yes, this is a crucial project, but it’s also a time to learn, grow, and enjoy the journey. I had multiple phases of intense focus, creative breakthroughs, and a few stumbles. Celebrating my milestones, partying with colleagues and new friends, and exploring a new city made the process easier. Remember, a happy designer is a creative designer!

A spontaneous trip that we all needed :)

This doesn’t have to be the end of the adventure. Once you’re done with all the hustle and your project is ready, give it a big pat on the back. It’s not just a grade or something for your portfolio; it’s proof of your hard work, skills, and the journey you’ve had in the cool world of design.

I have a surprise for you.

🎉 The smart rule feature I worked on is now live on Uniqode’s platform!🎉

Head over to Uniqode and unleash the power of smart rules in your QR Code designs.

That’s all for now, If you’d like another set of eyes on your project, or simply want to connect with a fellow design enthusiast, reach out! Find me on LinkedIn, Instagram or Medium — I’m always happy to chat about design, share experiences, and maybe even learn something new from you.

Jagriti Kale



Jagriti Kale
Writer for

Product Designer @Uniqode. Documenting my journey and experience as a Designer 🚵