Panji Samodro
Unique and Culture
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2013

Some of the inventions and innovations emerging from the war between the Union and the Confederacy. The conflict that killed more than 620,000 people, or about 2 percent of the U.S. population.

At the time it was also a time of great creativity industry. A record 5,000 patents recorded in 1864, and not all related to the war. The following 8 discovery Caused Due to War, as quoted from unikgaul.com

1. Banknote

The Civil War changed the U.S. banking system. Banknotes became legal tender for the first time and "greenbacks" (named after the anti-counterfeiting green ink used on the back of the notes) issued by the federal government, replacing paper notes issued by local banks around the country.

Local records are not always respected in the various regions, which issued bank notes received only 90 percent of the nominal value. The new record supported by the federal government. In fact, some Confederate soldiers are required to be paid by the Union greenbacks.

2. Canned Food

During the war, food was prepared and eaten locally. Gail Borden, patented condensed milk in 1854 and when the war started he sold coffee extract condensed Navy.

In 1862, tens of thousands of troops have started to eat his canned food, biscuits, bacon, strong coffee and condensed milk. Employers like Van Camp, Armour and Swift gave a single name on canned beans and meat.

The new availability of canned food seemed to make the army at home and include things such as lobster pie, blueberry, corned beef and ginger.

New canned food industry, then allowed for the colonization of Australia and Argentina, where entrants can bring healthy food to start their new life.

3. Pocket Jam

During the war, portable timepieces are luxury goods. Waltham Watch Company in Massachusetts found a way to make a discount for their pocket watches, which makes reasonable hours at that time.

Manufacturing breakthrough coincided with the start of the war, and the soldiers began to bring into battle watches. On one side can be made carvings that can alert loved ones at home. And also allow them to follow a regular schedule of camp life.

4. Sewing machine

The development of the sewing machine allowed for substantial expansion in everything from tents to shield military uniforms and blankets.

It also causes the coated fabric tarpaulin tent canvas and rubber. The device is portable and is often carried by infantry regiments on campaign.

5. Standard Size

If you want a new pair of shoes, chances are you will pay a visit to your local cobbler. But as a soldier might it is very difficult to do. For the first time, set a standard shoe sizes, along with the size of the uniform.

6. Armament

Six-bullet revolver created and issued to officers. Also rifles and carbines can generate several shots before refilling.

7. Telegraph

E-mails from the 19th century is the primary tool for both the military and the press. Samuel Morse's invention has made an impact in the years before the war, with 50,000 miles of telegraph wire was hung in 1860.

Another 15,000 miles added by the Union Army and President Lincoln using the telegraph to get real-time information from the generals.

In October 1861, the telegraph stretching from coast to coast, to eliminate the Pony Express service. During the war, his patent dictat to increase the range and strength of the original Morse telegraph.

8. Steel Warship

Confederation Navy can not do much with the Union ship, so they need a super-weapon to change the balance of power.

