Panji Samodro
Unique and Culture
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2013

1001 nights legendary stories around the world. One of the famous characters, Abu Nawas was mentioned as being very clever and resourceful. The story is strange sometimes raises the question, whether fictional Abu Nawas only a myth?

As quoted from apakabardunia.com , Abu Nawas was really figure that ever lived under the reign of Caliph Harun al-Rashid (Abbasid dynasty). Her real name was Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Hani al-Hakami. He was born in 145 AH [756 AD and died 814 AD] in the city of Ahvaz in Persia (Iran).

His father, Hani al-Hakam, a member of the military legions Marwan II. While his mother was Jalban, Persian woman who worked as a wool wash cloth. Unfortunately, his father passed away so quickly Abu Nawas orphaned. The mother then took him to Basra, Iraq. In this city of Abu Nawas studying various sciences.

Abu Nawas learn Arabic literature to Abu Zaid al-Ansari and Abu Ubaidah. He also studied the Koran to Ya'qub al-Hadrami. While the science of Hadith, he learned to Abu Walid ibn Ziyad, Muktamir bin Sulaiman, Yahya bin Said al-Qattan, and Azhar bin Sa'd as-Samman.

His meeting with the poet of Kufa, Walibah Habab bin al-Asadi, has been refining his language style and bring it to the top of Arabic literature. Walibah very interested in the talents of Abu Nawas who then brought it back to Ahwaz, then to Kufa. In Kufa Abu Nawas trained talent. Ahmar told Abu Nawas dwells in the interior, living with the Bedouin Arabs to deepen and refine the Arabic language.

Then he moved to Baghdad. At the center of this civilization Abbasid dynasty when he met with the poets. Thanks to his prowess write poetry, Abu Nawas can get acquainted with the nobility. However, due to its proximity to the nobility of his poetry here at that time changed, the authorities tend to adore and lick.

Poet wine. So Abu Nuwas dubbed some people, because he was raised as a theme of his poetry illicit beverage. In khumrayat poem, he described the delicacy and ugliness, exploitation, processing, taste, color and aroma to the drinker. According to him, wine can soothe the troubled heart.

Abu Nuwas also was blamed as heretic or a sinner great poet because his poetry is often considered to be beyond the limits of decency and demeaning religion.

However, Abu Nawas multivisi known as a poet, full of jokes, sharp-tongued, accomplished visionary, and leading literary figures of new generation. But unfortunately, his scientific works is seldom known in the intellectual world. He is only seen as a person who likes to act funny and unusual. Cleverness write poetry attracted the attention of Caliph Harun al-Rashid. Musicians through the palace, al-Wawsuli shaq, Abu Nawas was called to be a court poet (sya'irul bilad).

Witty demeanor make her journey really colorful. His favorite play on words with a sense of humor seemed to be a legend of its own in the treasures of world civilization.

Log in prison
Once when Abu Nawas read poetry caravan Bani Mudhar deemed offensive Caliph. Of course the Caliph's wrath, then put him in jail. Since languishing in prison, Abu Nawas poems changed, being religious. If earlier he was very arrogant with the worldly life full of glamor and rah-rah, now he is more resigned to the power of God.

Once free, he turned away from the Caliph and served the Prime Minister Barmak. He left Baghdad after Barmak family fell in 803 AD After that he went to Egypt and composing poetry for the Governor of Egypt, Khasib bin Abdul Hamid al-Ajami. However, he returned to Baghdad after Harun al-Rashid died and was replaced by Al-Amin.

It is said that Abu Nawas died abused by someone who was told by a family who had a grudge against him Nawbakhti. He was buried in Syunizi in the heart of Baghdad

