Panji Samodro
Unique and Culture
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2013

Sentenced to death by an elephant is a method of execution has been carried out for thousands of years in South and Southeast Asia, particularly in India. Asian elephants, used to crush, destroy, or torture captives in public. The elephants are trained to be able to directly kill or torture their victims first slowly.

This method in ancient times often make people cringe Europeans came to Asia. Many journals and notes made by Europeans regarding this method. When Europeans colonized nations of Asia, this way began prohibited.

In Europe alone, the Romans and Carthage never use this way to punish the soldiers who rebelled.

West Asia

In medieval times, execution by elephant done in several areas in the west, including the Byzantine Empire (the eastern Roman), Sassanid (Persian), and the Seljuk (Turkish).

A Sassanid Emperor Khosrau II named, who had 3,000 wives and 12,000 female slave, one day wants Hadiqah (daughter of Na'aman) to be his wife. However Na'man (Christians) did not want her daughter entered the Zoroastrian religion. Because of this refusal, was punished by Na'man trampled to death by elephants.

Rabbi Petachiah, a wanderer of Ratisbon, reported execution by elephant made in northern Mesopotamia which was then ruled by the Seljuks. There, when the Sultan had declared the death penalty for a person, then there are those who will say to the elephant, "he is guilty."

The elephant was then going to take the victim with his mouth, threw high and killed him.

Sri Lanka

British sailor named Robert Knox in 1681 ever held in Sri Lanka. There he witnessed the execution by using elephants. Knox said that his elephant wearing a three-iron with a sharp tip on ivory. The elephant was then stabbed the victim with an iron and ruffled organs of the victim.

British diplomat Sir Henry Charles've been to Sri Lanka and tells sentenced to death by an elephant on the orders of the king Sri Vikrama Rajasinha.

Thus quote the story:
"The leader gives orders to the elephant, 'kill him!' The last elephant lifted its trunk and trampled on the ground. The leader then said, 'Finish now,' and the elephant put one foot above the victim's head while the other leg above the stomach victims, and with all his might elephant was destroying the body of the poor "


In India, for centuries elephants have been used to punish criminals. Manu Smriti or Laws of Manu, written in 200 AD, states that if there is theft, the thief should be punished by using elephants.

In 1305, the Sultan of Delhi ordered the execution of prisoners of Mongols, the Emperor ordered that they trampled by elephants in public.

The use of elephants as a means of execution continues until the 19th century. In an expedition in India in 1868, Louis Rousselet describe the execution of a criminal by elephants.

He told me that the prisoner had to put his head in a pile, then the elephant will crush the victim's head with his foot.

Southeast Asia

In ancient times, elephants are used as a means of capital punishment in Burma, also in the kingdom of Champa. Meanwhile, in the kingdom of Siam, elephants are trained to throw the victim into the air before stomping them to death.

John Crawfurd witnessed the execution by elephant in the kingdom of Cochinchina (southern Vietnam) when he became British ambassador in 1821. Crawfurd tells that criminals tied up in the wood, and an elephant ran towards him and stomped to death.

Empire West

Roman, Carthage, and Greece Macedonia sometimes use elephants for execution. The rebels, prisoners of war, and war criminals are dying under the feet of this great animal.

Perdiccas, a leader Macedonia, had punished 300 people rebel by throwing them on the elephants, which just trample their bodies to shreds.

Roman writer Valerius Maximus noted how General Lucius Aemilius Paul Macedonicus to throw people trampled underfoot by elephants if there is a breach of discipline or rebellion.

