Panji Samodro
Unique and Culture
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2013

Noted by that about 95% of men who masturbate and approximately 89% of women who never masturbate.

Most men do it with normal feelings, while women are still undecided and considered it a taboo. Is it true that masturbation was never any good?

You will be surprised when reading the evidence cited from following. According to research scientists, it is very important masturbation in sex life and had quite a lot of benefits.

Masturbation makes sleep soundly
While increasing sexual desire and when it can not have sex with a partner for a variety of reasons, the blood pressure will certainly increase. Well, here's the function of masturbation, where he will address the increase in blood pressure and helps release endorphins in the body's hormones.

As a result, you will feel more relaxed and sleep better.

Masturbation reduces cramps
Often cramps during menstruation in uterus area? Well, there are times when you need ya masturbate thereby increasing the achievement of orgasm. When orgasm is reached, the muscles will relax and not tense again, this is no longer mengaka cramps commonly experienced.

Preventing prostate cancer
Toxins can settle to the male sex organs that can cause disease. And actually masturbation helps to release toxins from the body.

It is recommended that a man ejaculated at least 5 times a week in order to avoid the threat of prostate cancer.

Preventing urinary tract infections
Similarly, masturbation can be launched with a urinary tract sperm which means out anyway residues that settle and can lead to urinary tract infections.

Increasing the body's immune
ejaculation / orgasm releases the hormone cortisol, which is the hormone of stress hormones that can disrupt the body's immune person. When stress is reduced, the body tends to be more healthy and fit so far from various diseases.

Increasing intimacy
Practice makes perfect, so the reality. A sex therapist says that masturbation would lead a person towards a more hot sex games and fun with a partner. So that masturbation should not be underestimated and it is important in the sexual life of couples.

