15 Money Proverbs that made me financially successful

Nadir Mahmood
Unique Content
Published in
6 min readMar 25, 2021
Photo by 金 运 on Unsplash

I believe our educational institutes seldom give us financial education. These institutes have merely become factories that produce financially illiterate employees who know little how the money works.

Here I have collected 15 proverbs that taught me to make well-informed decisions about my financial resources and helped me understand how money is made, spent, and saved.

1. Money doesn’t grow on trees

I think every one of us must have heard this proverb from our elders. I heard it from my father when I demanded to buy an expensive toy.

However, this proverb taught me an invaluable lesson that earning money is not an easy task. It requires serious planning and hard work, so be spent carefully.

When I go shopping, I try to avoid buying luxuries.

I believe we can live a happy and fulfilling life without expensive cars, houses, clothes, or jewelry.

Hence, before buying something I try to keep the following quote of Warren Buffet in my mind. He says:

‘If you buy things you do not need, soon you will have to sell things you need.’

2. Time is money.

It is Benjamin Franklin’s quote, who was famous for being a super productive and multi-talented man. He was a politician, a diplomat, an actor, a musician, and an inventor.

This quote taught me that time is the most precious commodity in my life. That is why I now consider seconds as coins, minutes as small size notes, and hours as large size notes.

Whenever I delay my tasks, become lazy, and waste my time on useless activities, I consider it as if I am losing money.

Moreover, the best use of time allows me to learn new skills making me better prepared to live to my maximum potential.

Spending my time doing exercise makes me healthy and energetic.

So, acting upon this quote has not only made me wealthy but also healthy and wise.

3. Money talks

No doubt having a lot of money can make us influential and give us the power to choose, but we should try to learn to use it in a positive way.

What I have learned from this proverb is that I will not use the money to impress others rather I will use it to serve humanity by enabling people to earn money and become financially independent.

So money should talk in a positive way, not in a negative way.

4. Money can't buy happiness

This money proverb removes a prevalent misconception that money can buy us happiness.

I believe money can’t buy peace of mind which is the most precious thing.

If we are not satisfied with what we already have, we will never be satisfied after having our desired things.

Money may bring some enjoyment, but long-lasting happiness only comes with nurturing pure relationships, spirituality, and friendship.

Today I have seen many affluent people who are struggling with depression even though they are millionaires.

5. The best things in life are free

This quote taught me that money is not the only precious thing in life. Many other invaluable things that are equally precious and are available for free.

For example, having good relationships with family and friends allows me to understand others and solve their problems by just telling them to have a positive attitude towards life.

I have also learned from this quote that whenever I have to choose between spending money and spending time with my family and friends I will choose the latter.

Hence, this beautiful quote speaks volumes that money and objects are not the only precious things in our life.

6. Save it for a rainy day

Putting some money besides my daily expenditure always helps me to deal with unexpected losses and emergencies.

My savings also help me to come out of the temporary crises without borrowing money from others.

To me, asking for financial help from others is also not good for our self-esteem.

7. Baggers can’t be choosers

It is one of my favorite money proverbs. I have learned many invaluable lessons from it. One is that when one begs something from others for free, s/he can’t choose and complain.

That is why I try my best to avoid begging and remain satisfied with what I already have. I think self-esteem is the most precious thing in our life.

That is why instead of begging others, I concentrate on exploring ways to become self-independent and financially resourceful.

8. You can’t take it with you

It is a bitter truth that we can’t take the money and worldly riches with us after our death because shrouds have no pockets.

That is why I prefer to live a balanced life. Not only do I strive for having financial freedom, but I also give time to myself, my family, and my friends.

I do charity and help needy people to become self-independent. I make sure to spend time with those who are stressed and need the motivation to see the bright side of life.

9. There is no such thing as a free lunch

Noting is free. Everything casts something even though it is free of cost.

That is why when somebody offers me a free lunch or grants me anything for free, I instantly become alert and cautious, especially when some stranger does so.

So, when advertising companies offer you free items, be careful it is trick companies play on you to coax you to buy unnecessary things by giving you free offers.

10. A fool and his money are soon parted

When it comes to spending money, making well-informed decisions play a vital in mastering the art of money.

I have observed many foolish people who make poor decisions when winning a lottery or after receiving a handsome amount of money from somewhere.

They blindly spend money on luxuries like expensive houses, cars, and jewelry. As some time goes by, they left with little or no money to maintain such a lavish style and go broke ultimately.

So I have learned from this proverb that money should be spent wisely.

That is why when buying things, I always think about whether the thing I intend to buy is an asset or liability.

Assets earn me money regularly. For example, when I invest money in some business or spend money to learn new skills, it makes me financially successful.

On the other hand, luxuries prove to be expensive without generating any money rather people need extra money to maintain them.

11. You get what you pay for

This money proverb has taught me the art of buying things. So when I have to buy something necessary I never buy low-quality products at a low price and don’t compromise on quality.

I have experienced many a time in my life that whenever I buy a bad quality thing in order to save money it does not last long and I have to buy it again which not only wastes my money but also time and energy.

12. Neither a borrower nor a lender be

Since I have read this proverb, I try to avoid borrowing money. This habit allows me to control my expenditure and remain within my budget.

I lend money to those friends who are not habitual borrowers. I usually discourage the idea of lending money because it affects the relationship with others.

That is why instead of asking for money from others, I prefer to work hard, make my own money and avoid asking for help from others.

13. Money makes the world go around

Who can deny the importance of money in our life? Our efforts usually revolve around earning or spending money?

This money proverb taught me that earning a reasonable amount of money is a must because it allows me to live an independent life.

14. Money is the root of all evil

This proverb is misquoted as the original proverb from Bible is:

The love of money is the root of all evil…(1Timothy 6:10)

Money itself is not evil, but its misuse can make it so.

If people commit crimes to accumulate wealth, this lust for having a lot of money can lead to evil practices and corruption.

15. It takes money to make money

This money proverb is a guiding principle for those who want to become successful businessmen.
I have learned from this proverb is that to make money, I need to have some money already.


In short, money is a necessity of life, but we should make it our servant rather than making ourselves its servant. Because money is like seawater, the more you drink, the thirstier you become.



Nadir Mahmood
Unique Content

Writing is my passion. I write about self-improvement, fulfilling life and financial freedom. Let's grow together!