The Top 7 Reasons You Must Learn React JS

Smash Code
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3 min readSep 10, 2022

If you are looking for the most developmentally efficient JavaScript library that can cater to the needs of the future of web creation with versatility and ease?

The answer is React JS.

React is popular because it is useful for single-page applications. When you use Facebook, you interact with React. It might surprise you that React was created by a Facebook engineer and is still maintained by Facebook.

React.js is component-based and saves you time and money.

Here I will share the top 7 reasons you should choose React.Js

1. React JS Helps Build Interactive User Interfaces

Since React JS uses declarative instead of imperative syntax, developers can build interactive user interfaces(UI) with greater flexibility and ease.

It allows you to design simple views for different states in an application. You can update and render the right components when the data changes.

2. It Enhances Productivity

React has exceptional features that allow developers to create a better visual delight in front-end designs. It also eliminates the “ Jquery” which is a code-heavy library.

In addition, Virtual Document Object Model [DOM] enhances the speed of web applications creating productivity for the web application process.

React. js contains an enhanced productively feature that enables developers at Facebook to re-employ the earlier used assets, increasing workflow for the programmers.

For better productivity, you can start with the finest component like buttons, checkboxes, etc. Next, go for wrapper components that contain tiny elements and then move on to the main root components.

3. It Ensures Stable Code

React JS enables developers to write more stable code by employing downward data flow. That way, parent structure doesn’t get affected even by the minutest change occurring in the child structure.

4. It is Easy to learn

React JS is simpler to learn than other JavaScript libraries like Angular.js and Vue.js. That is why many businesses are adopting React framework because of its simplicity.

Since React.js is not difficult to learn, it helps developing teams of enterprises to finish the project in minimum time.

5. It Provides Better Development Experience

React is becoming popular among developers for its better performance, flexibility, and better usability feature. Thousands of websites are being built using this amazing Javascript framework.

Its dynamic features provide excellent work experience and solid front-end web application development.

6. React JS is component-based

As a developer, you save time and money with React Js because it is component-based. React allows you to build a dynamic user interface because you can break down an interface into reusable components.

7. It is SEO-friendly

Although the Google crawl bot can’t easily understand Javascript compared to HTML code, React.js is widely considered SEO-friendly. Using some tricks, you can make React website understandable for Google crawlers.

Another thing that makes React SEO friendly is that it minimizes page load time through faster rendering which is crucial for online success. Also, it adapts the performance in real-time according to traffic demand which means faster speed and more the number of users.


To sum up, for you to gain mastery over React JS is a must because this amazing JS framework provides much-needed ease to build highly engaging web applications and user interfaces in a scheduled time. Lack of documentation may be one of the disadvantages of React, its benefits of being advanced, robust, user-friendly, responsive, and non-risky make it relevant in the market and popular among developers.

Note: Check my other blogs on programming languages here.

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