Beware of NFT Scammers

UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Aug 3

Unique One has become aware of a scam that is currently circulating NFT marketplaces and chat groups.

This scam targets NFT Artists directly. We want our community to stay safe, so please read this short warning to protect yourself.

Here is how this Scam works:

Artists are approached by someone who pretends they are interested in your art and would like to commission you to do some sort of future work or collaboration.

Example of Scam Approach

The Scammer will send you a file with more information describing the kind of work they want to be done. They may say it contains sketches or more information.

Scammers will send you a file. Do not open this file.

Once this file is open, your wallets and computer can be compromised. You can lose all of your NFTs and crypto. (Notice the extension on the below file is .exe)

EXE files are executable files. They are used to launch applications. Always be careful when opening EXE files. Make sure you know exactly what their source is. Never open an EXE file that you are unsure of.

If you have been affected by this type of Scam, please alerts Admins immediately in the Unique One Community Telegram.

Unique One wants our community to have fun collecting, make money from your art, but also stay safe.

Please take some time to read here for more ways you can protect yourself against Scammers in the Crypto and NFT Space.



UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network

A Substrate-based next-generation NFT application-specific blockchain leveraging Web3.0 interoperability to augment the NFT Evolution.