Introducing Unique.One

UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2020

A Next-Generation, Purely Decentralized NFT Art Marketplace

2020 has been a dark year for art. Major festivals were canceled, museums and galleries closed, and residencies were postponed due to COVID travel restrictions.

But artworks minted as NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and digital collectibles are flourishing as a massive amount of funds flow into the digital art marketplace.

Virtual art is taking off at an explosive pace. It offers an incredible opportunity for Artists of all mediums to share their art in digital form and earn income.

Any artwork displayed in digital format can be tokenized (minted as an NFT) — images, photographs, videos, blogs, music files, etc.

Tokenized artwork is bought, sold, traded, and commissioned in cryptocurrency, which can then be converted to fiat currency such as Euros, USD, Yen, etc.

What is NFT art?

What makes physical art valuable is provenance — which depends on the ability to prove ownership. This has been difficult to do in the digital world until the introduction of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT).

An NFT is a unique token on the blockchain that can be attached to any asset to verify its authenticity and ownership. Each NFT contains immutable identifying information stored in its smart contract and recorded on its blockchain.

Any artist can quite easily choose to digitize their work, tokenize it, and prove ownership, which introduces provenance into the digital art space. This means that digital artwork can be authenticated, and ownership can be verified and tracked — creating value.

Tokenized art has established accessible and fluid global markets. NFTs linked to digital content can confer ownership rights such as:

  • The right to own
  • The right to sell
  • The right to lend
  • The right to royalties
  • The right to confer reuse

These secondary markets for digital content in the form of NFTs present an unprecedented opportunity for Artists, Creators, Buyers, Sellers, Traders, Collectors, and Fans.

What is Unique.One?

Unique.One is a next-generation, purely decentralized NFT Art Marketplace independently operated by the Digital Art community.

By the community, for the community.

Unique.One is a place where new and professional Artists can push their creativity to the limits on a fair and level playing field.

Artists, Collectors, Traders, and Fans can learn, play, socialize, and grow together.

What makes us Unique?

Unique.One insists that an open and decentralized art marketplace platform belong to the art community alone — not the project founders.

Unique will be governed by a DAO for true decentralisation.

Unique believes existing players in the marketplace fall short at pure decentralization.

Other decentralised NFT marketplaces practice censorship along with other forms of unfair practices. They are typically owned by profit-seeking corporations and backed by VCs. Their objective is to extract profit rather than give back to the Digital Art community.

Unique.One is a permissionless decentralised NFT exchange.

Unique.One supports Artists instead of profiting off of them and does not charge Artists for creating work — but rewards them instead.

Other NFT platforms charge Buyers transaction fees from 2.5% on upwards.

Each purchase transaction in the Unique Marketplace will only incur a low 1% transaction fee payable by the Buyer — all transaction fees will be used to purchase $RARE from Uniswap to be distributed to all circulating token holders.

What is $RARE and how to get it?

$RARE is a token created on the Ethereum blockchain to govern the ecosystem of the entire Unique.One platform — from NFT Creation Mining to Liquidity Pools, and the DAO.

$RARE has a fixed token supply of 10 million which will be minted over five years. The token will be available upon launch.

A chart showing the emission schedule of the Unique.One governance token (a cryptocurrency).

Introducing $RARE family

$RARE token represents being part of the Unique.One family.

HODL-ers get special privileges such as:

  • Ability to vote on governance decisions
  • Ability to vote in contests
  • Share of platform fees
  • And much more, to be announced later

More exciting Unique features

A Fair Launch.

There will be no public sale and the $RARE tokens will be floated on Uniswap at a low starting market-cap. No tokens were given for free and all tokens will have to be purchased.

Net-Zero Platform Fee.

Collectors/Buyers are charged a1% platform fee which is used to buy $RARE from the market to redistribute to the community.

Artist No-Fee Policy.

We don’t charge a commission from Creators. Artists get full price for their work.

Creation Mining.

Unique.One will be the first platform to reward Creators for publishing their artworks on the platform. 10% of our $RARE token supply is reserved for Creators.

Usage Mining.

Users (Creators and Collectors) of the platform will be incentivised with $RARE tokens on the basis of transaction count + volume.

Artist Contests.

Unique.One will hold weekly artist contests providing Artists with an opportunity to win $RARE. 1 million $RARE tokens are reserved for this.

Liquidity Mining.

Liquidity providers will share 1 million $RARE tokens for providing liquidity on Uniswap. (See below.)

Who is developing Unique?

Unique.One is being developed by an anonymous team of volunteer community artists, developers, designers, marketers, and project managers with deep involvement and experience in the crypto space.

Unique.One’s emphasis on being a worldwide art marketplace entirely governed by community alone makes it a global one-of-a-kind project.

Unique.One Roadmap

Helpful Information

How to purchase $RARE on Uniswap

Go to

$RARE Token Contract

Provide Liquidity on Balancer for $RARE rewards

Provide Liquidity on Uniswap for $RARE rewards

Uniswap Charts

Important Security Reminder

The Secret Keys to your Metamask wallet are your responsibility. Make sure you keep them safe and do not share them with anyone. No one can help you if you lose your Secret Keys.

How to contact Unique.One?

Visit us here Unique.One

Talk to us here Telegram

Follow us here Twitter, Medium, Instagram



UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network

A Substrate-based next-generation NFT application-specific blockchain leveraging Web3.0 interoperability to augment the NFT Evolution.