The Unique.One Community Speaks

UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network
Published in
6 min readMar 25, 2021

Unique.Fans Responds to the Needs of Erotic Artists

When the volunteer founding team built the Unique.One Art Marketplace on Ethereum in 2020, it had a primary objective — create an open decentralised community-run platform for all artists to be able to mint their art as NFTs.

The team was aware of the level of censorship by corporate-backed platforms that were barring artists from entering a flourishing “art-tech renaissance” during a difficult economic time.

The Voice of the Unique.One Community

The Unique.One Community is lively and vocal. Community members voluntarily help and support each other. They call out copyright infringers and create a supportive environment for artists and creators of all kinds. Suggestions are made and discussed. Consensus is found, and action is taken.

We are Unique as One.

The Unique.One team takes its lead from the Unique.One Community for direction. In response to frustrations in the community about high Eth gas prices, it launched an additional marketplace on xDai where minting costs fractions of a dollar.

Upon awareness within the community that photographers had particular needs, the road for Unique One Photo was pathed. (Unique One Photo is set to launch in May 2021.)

The struggles of erotic artists have not gone unnoticed

After one of our community members was interviewed by Motherboard, it became apparent that there was a need for a platform dedicated exclusively to NSFW NFT creators.

Just as what is considered ‘art’ is infinitely debated and in the eyes of the beholder, what is considered inappropriate varies greatly amongst individuals,” our community member said — to which Motherboard pointed out that, with NSFW NFTs, the beholder seems to have become the platforms themselves.

This got our attention.

Unique.Fans Responds to the Needs of Erotic Artists

Erotic artists are continually dogged by barriers to monetising their art. Beyond the obvious struggle of social media and platform restrictions, payment processors cancel accounts, and middlemen take a fair chunk of their earnings.

While the NFT space offers solutions for many of these issues, ongoing censorship on major NFT platforms — even those with dedicated NSFW categories — have become a source of frustration.

All of it calls into question who is to decide what constitutes art? Or, as Motherboard put it, who is the beholder?

Unique holds the position that the community itself is the beholder and decides what art is — not the platform.

Diverse community groups organically grow around different genres of art to naturally support their artists and create networks — if given the opportunity without the interference of centralised censoring authorities.

The Vision for Unique.Fans

Unique Fans is a space where creators can develop a more intimate relationship with fans who have the freedom to support the artists they care about by becoming investors in the art they appreciate.

Networks and followings can be built in peace without the fear of a centralised authority imposing subjective judgments on what is or what is not art.

The blockchain also provides innovative ways for NSFW artists to protect against theft of their art, which is a huge problem in the erotic art space, where stolen risqué content is disseminated by illicit aggregators.

NFT artists who mint their works on-chain before any other online exposure have the opportunity to create an archive of provenance. They can also elect to protect their work from copyright infringement on-platform with watermarks, only releasing the original image upon purchase.

Net Zero Platform Fee

No Fees for Artists. For collectors/buyers, the FANS platform will charge a 2.5% platform fee. But all platform fees will be used to buy $FANS tokens back from the market and burn them to reduce the circulating supply and create value for Hodlers.

Self-published Uncensored Alluring Content for Fans

Unique Fans is a community-owned decentralised NFT Adult Arts Marketplace for the growing world of digital Adult Creators and their Fans.

The Unique Fans Community insists on an open platform that encourages individuals to express their creativity as long as Users respect the Fans Community Terms and Guidelines.

The Fans Community Terms and Guidelines are meant for the protection of artists, the community, and the innocent to keep the platform legal and accessible — not to be used to selectively silence the voices of creativity in the Adult Art Genre.

Fair Launch for $FANS

There will be no public or private sale. No $FANS tokens will be given for free to anyone, including the Unique Fans Community Volunteer Founding Team.

As part of the Community, the Team has to earn tokens like all other Fans in the Community.

All $FANS tokens must be earned through participation on the Fans Community Platform and its various promotions and collaborations with other protocols.

$FANS Emission Schedule

Upon Project launch, 260,000 $FANS tokens will be in circulation, followed by the distribution of 90k $FANS rewards for $RARE and $FANS LPs over the course of the first 3 months.

130,000 $FANS tokens will then be released every year for 5 years — after which point the total supply of 1 million tokens will have been released into circulation.

$FANS Emission Schedule

Proposed $FANS Distribution

Deflationary Token Model

Only 1 million $FANS tokens will ever be created.

100% of the Unique Fans platform fee will be used to buy circulating $FANS tokens back from the market and burn for deflationary purposes.

FANS Deflationary Token Distribution Model

How do we get $FANS tokens?

52 Card Deck Rare Limited Edition (RLE) NFTs

52 Card Deck Rare Limited Edition (RLE) NFT $FANS Airdrops

First Edition Gold, Silver, and Bronze NFTs from the Rare Limited Edition (RLE) 52 Card Deck Project will be sold on the Unique.One NFT Digital Art Marketplace — with special unlockable content and $FANS token Airdrops upon purchase.

Sales of these RLE NFTs will begin on April 3rd. Follow the Unique.Fans Community Channel for real-time updates of sale time.

Holders of all previously issued RLE 52 Card Deck NFTs during the April 1st snapshot will also share an airdrop of 20K $FANS tokens.

52 Card Deck is an artist’s incentivisation project. The Unique.One community commissions budding artists with the opportunity to get paid for their work. Any artist can apply for a commission.

$FANS Airdrops for $RARE and $FOTO HODLers

$FANS airdrops for the Unique.One and Unique One Photo Communities

All circulating $RARE and $FOTO holders and LPs will share an Airdrop of 90K $FANS tokens based upon status during a snapshot taken April 1 midnight Tokyo time. (April 2 00:00 JST)

$FANS airdrop to be distributed after April 7. Users can claim their $FANS by connecting their wallet to the Unique.One Art Markeplace and navigating to their profile.

Per the above, 90K $FANS tokens rewards are to be shared amongst $RARE and $FANS Liquidity Providers over the first 3 months.

Helpful Information

$RARE Token Contract

$FOTO Token Contract

How to purchase $RARE and $FOTO on Uniswap

Go to

How to participate in Liquidity Pools

  1. RARE/ETH Uniswap Pool
  2. RARE/ETH Balancer Pool
  3. RARE/FOTO Uniswap Pool
  4. FOTO/ETH Uniswap Pool

Uniswap Charts

Important Security Reminder

The Secret Keys to your Web 3 wallet are your responsibility. Make sure you keep them safe and do not share them with anyone. No one can help you if you lose your Secret Keys.

How to contact Unique.One?

Visit us here Unique.One

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UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network

A Substrate-based next-generation NFT application-specific blockchain leveraging Web3.0 interoperability to augment the NFT Evolution.