UniqueOne.Love Bootstraps Ahead of Launch for Malaysia — UniqueOne.Love

UniqueOne Network
Unique One Network
Published in
4 min readJul 31, 2021

UniqueOne.Love Bootstraps Early to Bring Relief to those Suffering from the Covid/Political Crisis in Malaysia

The UniqueOne.Love project is still a few weeks away from launching, but the volunteer founding team voted to bootstrap the project internally to bring relief to those suffering in Malaysia due to the Covid19 and political crisis which has thrown the county into chaos.

Emergency Love Agents have been deployed on the ground in Malaysia to bring grassroots help to those in immediate need. UniqueOne.Love is documenting this process carefully to provide proof for internal donors of the use of their funds.

This project is currently being funded internally by volunteer donations from within the UniqueOne.Love volunteer founding team. Love Agents have been on the ground for several weeks personally delivering aid to those in need.

What’s going on in Malaysia?

On 12 January 2021, King Abdullah of Pahang declared a national state of emergency until at least the 1st of August 2021 to curb the spread of COVID-19 and in response to a very confusing and ongoing political crisis involving Prime Minister Muhyiddin’s Perikatan Nasional government.

Under this state of emergency, parliament and elections were suspended while the Malaysian government was empowered to introduce laws without approval. This plunged Malaysia into political uncertainty and the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic forced people into an indefinite lockdown on June 1.

Recently Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin informed the legislature that the cabinet had decided to end the emergency effective July 21, scrapping all the ordinances rather than tabling them for discussion. The king believes the abrupt cancellation of the ordinances on July 21 and misleading statements in parliament undermine the constitution.

While the government’s infighting continues, many Malaysian citizens continue to struggle.

Love Agents purchasing food in bulk to deliver to those in need

Malaysians are suffering

While the Malaysian government falls into chaos, the people of Malaysia are suffering greatly. Health workers across the country are suffering from burnout while hospitals are forced to increase capacity. Millions of people are forced to stay or work from home and leave only for essentials.

Cases of unemployment are on the rise, as are incidences of starvation, suicide, and mental health challenges. (But some sectors are kept open, fueling criticism that the lockdown wouldn’t change anything with millions of others still out and about.)

It’s obvious that the people of Malaysia can no longer count on government support. Unemployment has devastated the country with job losses in retail, hospitality, services, and more. Businesses are warning the economy is at a breaking point and mass unemployment is a real risk.

Love Agents delivering food packages

Many people are running out of food and resources. Some are literally having to depend on the alms and goodwill of others as they have no streams of income.

There’s a White Flag Campaign going on now. Those who are desperate and can no longer cope are placing a white flag in front of their homes hoping that others who notice the flag might help bring food packages/food baskets to them.

Many people cannot afford medicine, utility bills, and phone payments to communicate. Children in lockdown who no longer have access to the internet cannot attend online school. Many children have no device to use for school when their family has only one phone.

Love Agents purchase phones for children to attend school online

UniqueOne.Love Activates Local Love Agents

The UniqueOne.Love volunteer founding team voted by emergency consensus to bring UniqueOne.Love services ahead of the platform launch in order to try to bring relief and empower those suffering in Malaysia.

The UniqueOne.Love volunteer founding team is therefore bootstrapping a project to deliver funds to emergency Love Agents who can facilitate the distribution of these necessities to those in need ahead of the platform launch.

Love Agents in Malaysia are experienced charity workers with comprehensive knowledge of local NGOs and emergency hot spots to ensure funds get put to use for the most immediate needs.

Love Agents replace a broken refrigerator at a senior home and stock it with supplies

Leveraging peer-2-peer sharing in the digital economy to empower those who are struggling is the premise of the UniqueOne.Love project.

While our project is currently in its infancy, we hope to be able to continue the spirit of the UniqueOne.Love community to expand the UniqueOne.Love project across the globe.

Feel free to follow the UniqueOne.Love journey on our Instagram channel.

To get involved, please join our UniqueOne.Love Community Telegram .

Originally published at https://www.uniqueone.love on July 31, 2021.



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