20 most interesting email newsletters

Who to subscribe to right now

UniSender Blog


For a long time, there has been a debate on what company has the most interesting emails and who’s emails we read the most. Candidates for this article were chosen by the entire editorial board. As a result, we have sourced out our favorite emails from mailboxes and are sharing them with you in this article.

We highly recommend that you subscribe to one or more of these 20 interesting newsletters.

World news and politics

1. Axios

Axios is a whole conglomerate of newsletters on various topics in sectors such as politics, technology, science, business, energy and health care. The emails come in the form of a digest on the selected topic.

Axios has a lot of newsletters, from which you can choose those that interest you the most. For example, I subscribed to Axios AM and Axios PM. They are the most popular newsletters about world news.

The Axios newsletter is not just a set of short news, but a detailed analysis explaining why every specific news is important for readers.

You can select your preferred type of newsletter on the subscription page.

2. The Hustle

The Hustle is a daily newsletter about business news and modern technologies.

Each news in the newsletter is submitted in the format of a mini-article. Listed below are examples of topics from one of The Hustle’s emails:

  • Uber and Lyft drivers are striking today to protest Uber’s IPO. Here’s why.
  • What lies behind the sale of cells? Unproved science
  • Would you drink something called Liquid Death?
  • Tulips and tourists problems. The Netherlands.
  • The Oris Aquis: cool durable watches, which have something to say.

You can subscribe to The Hustle on the main page.

3. BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed is a media portal with several main sections. These sections include News, Tests, Game of Thrones, Avengers, Shopping and Video. Each section is linked to the newsletter, which is published with different frequency. Here is an example of the BuzzFeed Daily email:

BuzzFeed is like a club of interests where we can choose interesting topics and subscribe to their newsletters. All important news is received in the mailbox. Each email contains enough information for the reader to completely understand the featured topic.

You can subscribe to the newsletter on the subscribe page.

4. The Skimm

theSkimm is published in the format of a daily newsletter and a podcast. TheSkimm writes and talks about important news and explains why it is important for their readers, listeners and the world at large.

The newsletter focuses on politics and economics. Every email as a newspaper, taking away the need to visit alternative sources in order to read the article in full. Here are examples of topics from one newsletter:

  • Nature is calling — humans are on track to wipe out a million of the Earth’s species.
  • Reuters journalists finally left the prison in Myanmar.
  • What threatens stability in the Middle East?
  • People are looking forward to the future … (news about the tool for online voting in elections)

You can subscribe on the main page.

5. The New York Times

These are newsletters from one of the largest news portals in the world. The New York Times has several types of newsletters. These newsletters convey information on topics such as politics, economics, business, and technologies.

In The New York Times, you can pick up a newsletter for your hobbies. The reader can also adjust the frequency of receiving some emails. This frequency can be once a week or every day, depending on the reader’s preference.

You can choose your preferred newsletter(s) on the subscription page.


6. Neil Patel

Neil Patel is a marketer and blogger who also launches useful services such as A/B Tester, SEO Analyzer and others. In the newsletter, Neil shares useful materials and provides links to articles from the blog.

Neil does not use HTML in the emails. All messages are written in plain text. He makes it seem like a text from an old friend who is contacting you in order to discuss something. The emails are not full of hyperlinks. Usually, there is one selected article from the blog and a small liner to it.

You can subscribe to the newsletter on the subscription page.

7. Litmus

Litmus helps to check how letters will be displayed on different platforms. These platforms include web clients, mobile, desktop applications and different versions of the same program. In the newsletter Litmus talks about email marketing, gives us information on what’s new in the blog and shares the findings from their research.

This is a very useful newsletter for email marketers. The authors often experiment with the design and try new things in the emails. This experimentation is not only limited to their emails as they also try new things content-wise. Litmus helps email marketers from around the world to stay on topic.

You can subscribe to Litmus through the subscription form in their blog.

8. Email On Acid

This is another service for checking email on different platforms. In the newsletter, Email On Acid sends links to important articles from the blog, gives information about new features in the service and calls on webinars.

Email On Acid has short, minimalist emails. The content of these emails encourages the reader to use the service.

I liked how welcome-chain is arranged. First, we are greeted and introduced to the service, then 600 templates are presented, and in the next email, we are led by hand on important articles from the blog. All in order to make it easier for people to get started in Email On Acid.

You can subscribe to Email On Acid in the blog’s footer.

9. Hubspot

Hubspot is a platform with tools for marketers. These tools include CRM system, SEO analyzer, email templates, ready-made solutions for blogs and social networks. In every email, the authors share useful articles from the blog and offer the readers a chance to pass the traditional test on the marketing topic.

Hubspot is a good example of content marketing. In the emails, the authors do not speak about the company’s product, they just send useful articles and a test for the reader’s entertainment.

You can subscribe to Hubspot’s newsletter in footer of their blog.

10. Smart Insights

A learning platform that helps to launch and optimize marketing strategies. Smart Insights produce books, instructions, articles and ready-made templates that help marketers of different levels. In the newsletter, Smart Insights write about blog posts and provide links to new guides.

Smart Insights has a lot of useful materials that they share with subscribers. Some of them need paid access, but most can be read and downloaded for free, you only have to type in your email.

You can subscribe to Smart Insights during the registration on the main page.

11. Really Good Emails

This is a service that collects examples of different emails from all areas of business. In the newsletter, authors share interesting emails in a span of a few days and provide links to articles from popular English-language blogs.

The content conveyed by this service is really useful for email marketers. Readers can be inspired by motivating and interesting newsletters and read email marketing news from email experts. Furthermore, we interviewed the founder of Really Good Emails. They told us about trends in design, their newsletter and email marketing with nunchucks. Have you read it yet?

You can subscribe to this service through this link: Subscribe to Really Good Emails.

12. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is a media and educational resource about content marketing. Through copyblogger, you can read blogs, take courses in content marketing or hire experienced authors. The newsletter comes in 2 formats. It can either be a weekly digest or a long read about content marketing. For example, an email about why email is cool:

Plain text again! It looks like a trend

Both formats are good in their own way. Longread does not force readers to move to third-party resources, it is convenient to read before going to bed. Digest gives readers a variety of articles from the blog to choose from. Readers can choose what they prefer and read.

You can subscribe to Copyblogger on the main page.

13. Sumo

This is a service that helps to increase the subscriber base and attract new visitors to the site. In Sumo, you can make use of different subscription forms, welcome windows and buttons for sharing in social networks. In the newsletter, the authors talk about new Sumo products, share fresh articles from the blog, share links to cases and their own research.

Sumo has shorth length letters with 2–3 links. This is convenient as readers can quickly glance over the headings, understand what is interesting, and visit the site.

You can subscribe to this newsletter in the footer of the Sumo’s blog.

14. Facebook IQ

It is a Facebook content platform with articles on marketing. Emails come once a month, the authors provide links to the best publications during this time.

On this platform, Facebook, basically, writes about the promotion in their products. On the platform, they talk a lot about statistics and even share figures for different countries:

You can subscribe on the subscription page.


15. Headspace

Headspace is a service that teaches people to meditate. The newsletter introduces subscribers to different sections of the platform and offers thematic classes. For example, this email recommends meditations that will help you to sleep.

The art of identity can be learned from Headspace. They use the same colors, fonts and characters in their emails, application and website. Due to this, all Headspace channels are perceived as a whole product

You can subscribe on Headspace during the registration.

16. Lifehacker

Lifehacker is a media platform on which their authors write about health, finances, food, children, new technologies and work. A digest of new articles comes in the weekly newsletter.

The diversity of Lifehacker makes it possible for every reader to find contents that they find interesting. Listed below are several topics from the email:

  • Can your employer fire you after you quit?
  • Don’t go into debts for your kid’s extracurriculars.
  • Why you should wait to show your kids videos of themselves.
  • When you can go to the toilet on the new “Avengers”.
  • Video: a few hacks, how to use paper towels in everyday life.

You can subscribe during the registration on the platform.

17. Trello

Trello is a service for teamwork. The newsletter contains a digest of articles on productivity and teamwork, and also invitations to webinars.

Trello often experiments with the design of the newsletter and changes it, while considering the preferences of the audience. Over the past few months, the buttons have changed to text links (and then everything reverted), a gradient background appeared and the mention of the service itself has become negligible.

You can subscribe on Trello during the registration.

18. The Outline

The Outline is a media platform about modern technologies, movies, video games and politics. Often, controversial topics are raised on the site. These topics include vaccination, the Trump presidency, and the protection of user data.

In the newsletter, the authors send links to the most popular articles of the week.

The email, like the website itself, looks unusual. It is interesting to study the digest. This is because readers will not drown in the abundance of text, but calmly leaf through the letter, stopping at interesting headlines.

Here are a few topics that were in one of the newsletters:

  • The only thing more disappointing than the final season of “Game Of Thrones” was having to learn what the creators thought about it.
  • A remake of “Final Fantasy VII” threatens to turn me into one of those terrible guys who complain that their childhood was destroyed.
  • Advocacy against vaccination is not just harmful to children. It threatens to destroy our sense of community.
  • Jeff Bezos’s dream of colonizing outer space sounds cool until you think that he will send us all to outer space to work for him.

You can subscribe on the Outline in the footer of the main page.

19. InVision

A platform for designers, who make use of tools such as, templates, icons and other assemblies for working with design. The emails from this platform come in two formats:

  1. A compilation of the most popular tools and templates of the week.
  2. Digest of books, articles and videos about design.

The InVision newsletter is useful for designers and anyone working with visual content. Most of the tools and templates are free, the blog contains very interesting articles, and readers can go back to the books several times.

Subscribe to InVision on the main page.

20. Brain Pickings

Author’s media by Maria Popova, ex-author of The New York Times, Wired UK and The Atlantic. Maria writes about literature, science, art and philosophy. The newsletter comes in two formats: on Saturdays with a digest of articles per week and on Wednesdays with one selected essay or article.

For example, in this newsletter, Maria tells about an unusual adaptation of a fairy tale from a Japanese illustrator

Maria does not pursue news and popular topics, but writes about what she likes. Her media is a collection of stories about things that often remain behind the scenes. These stories include memories of famous creative people, the releases of interesting books, unusual researches and discoveries.

You can subscribe in the sidebar on the main page of the site.

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