“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” — Richard Burke, Irish Statesman.

Unit Space
Unit Space
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2022

We are the team of people who do something. Who love Ukraine🇺🇦. Who care.
Who opened uscf.com.ua
Who care that someone’s parents are staying at home without electricity and food. Who cares to help Hospitals with medicine and equipment. Who care about the people who don’t have homes any more.

Starting from February 24, the goal of our life has become one — to help our country. Help people in our country. Help the relatives of people in this country.

Right now our major expenses include the following:
- Medicine, special surgery, and medical equipment.
- Buses to evacuate people from East part of Ukraine
- Food
- Household goods: diapers, soap, flashlights, stoves, and their analogs.
- Warm clothes for everyone, blankets, and mattresses.

Unfortunately there is always a “BUT”. But or funds are already beginning to be insufficient. And that’s why we opened Unit Space Charitable Foundation and coming to you with this request. Support. Ukrainians.
More information about us and How to support you can find here: uscf.com.ua

Don’t let the evil triumph — help Ukrainian citizens💙💛🇺🇦



Unit Space
Unit Space

Unit Space is a business-oriented software development company committed to helping businesses kickstart, develop, and succeed.