Jeanette Findlay: we must build our union to achieve our demands

Matt’s experience, skills and strategic capability make him a stand-out candidate for General Secretary, writes Jeanette Findlay

Matt Waddup
Unite to win
3 min readMar 22, 2019


I am supporting Matt Waddup for General Secretary because what is in all our interests is to have an experienced, effective trades union organiser at the head of our union.

In the last election for General Secretary I voted for Jo McNeill mainly because, in the absence of any real knowledge of the abilities of the candidates, I based my decision on who I thought was closest to my political views. This time I am in a position to rank the experience, skills and strategic capability of the candidates and, on that basis, there is a stand-out candidate in Matt.

I have been a member of UCU for thirty-two years almost and, for most of that time, I have been a local Branch Committee member. I played no part in the union nationally and was only engaged in local activities.

In the run-up to the USS strikes I became our local branch President. From that viewpoint I have taken a far greater interest in, and engaged in observation of, the various personalities and groups within our union across the UK. I have not always liked what I have seen.

I would have to say that even though I have never actually voted for Sally Hunt I thought she was treated abominably by some members, and her position as the leader of our union during what is undoubtedly one of our greatest victories has never been properly acknowledged, and I would like to acknowledge it here and thank her for her service to the union.

After all, where we are now in March 2019 with our USS pensions essentially intact is a position most union members can only dream of and which we would have taken in a heartbeat at the start of the strike.

The past year has seen an upsurge in discussion and debate within our union. That is, of course, a healthy thing albeit that a lot of it has taken place on social media which can be an echo chamber for hearing our own views fed back to us. The healthy debate and the considerable analytical work done by members was undoubtedly important in the USS dispute but I do not believe that the ability to conduct what is essentially academic work should be seen by itself as a qualification for leading a union. It is not.

Matt Waddup was at the forefront of providing the national campaigning resources which allowed local UCU leaders to build and sustain the strike action and to build and sustain their membership during and after the strike. His experience both in UCU and in the RMT (a union with which I am very familiar and which I hold in high regard) are what we need to build our union and to plan effective strategy to achieve our demands. He is a serious trade unionist and that is the only kind I am interested in. I urge you to vote for Matt Waddup as General Secretary.



Matt Waddup
Unite to win

National Head of Policy and Campaigns at the University and College Union (UCU)