7 ways to take part in the progressive movement this Inauguration Week

Democracy Initiative
Published in
3 min readJan 18, 2017

Marked by two historic days, Martin Luther King Day on Monday and the Inauguration of the 45th President on Friday, this week serves as a benchmark for progressive change in 2017. Now, more than ever, people and organizations must stand together and organize for resistance. Here are seven simple things we can do to this week to defend democracy amidst our changing administration.

1. Take NAACP’s lead and start a discussion on racial healing

Yesterday, the NAACP joined the W. K. Kellogg Foundation in curating a Twitter town hall on racial healing. By posting prompts like “share a positive experience you’ve had with those that are different than you,” the NAACP prompted its followers to have a much needed discussion on race relations. Take their lead online and on the ground: ask your friends, family, and online community what racial healing means to them, and discuss necessary steps to move forward.

2. Ask #Questions4Betsy with American Federation of Teachers

Billionaire Betsy DeVos has been chosen as the Secretary of Education. Due to her lack of experience in public education and her history working to defund public schools, the American Federation of Teachers asks Betsy, “what qualifications do you have for the job?” Join AFT as they propose questions about her special interests for the senate panel that will be interviewing her. Tweet questions using the hashtag #Questions4Betsy.

3. Contact your senator about Citizens United

This Saturday, January 21st, marks the 7th anniversary of Citizens United. Join Public Citizen and tell your senator to co-sponsor a bill that will overturn the ruling in McCutcheon and Citizens United, which allows for corporations to donate to elections without regulation, as a form of “free speech.” Click here to send a message to your lawmaker.

4. Take the #PeoplesOath

On Friday, as the 45th president takes his presidential oath, ACLU National and ACLU members across the country will take an oath as well. Join the American Civil Liberties Union and swear to protect and defend the Constitution to ensure that this country protects the rights of all of its citizens. Go to https://www.peoplesoath.org/ and take the oath today.

5. Call 877–959–6082 to #StopSessions and #RejectRex

30 years ago, Senate denied Jeff sessions a position as a federal prosecutor because of racial remarks he made — now, he’s the pick for Attorney General. Stand with Common Cause as they work to block Sessions from being approved. Join the battle against Former Exxon CEO and Secretary of State Nominee Rex Tillerson and urge your senators to reject his nomination. Tillerson cannot be trusted to prioritize Americans and our country above corporate profit-seeking. Call 877–959–6082 to speak with your senator and request that they oppose these nominations. Don’t forget to tweet at your senators and use the hashtag #StopSessions and #RejectRex.

6. Attend the Women’s March on Washington

On Saturday, January 21, hundreds of thousands of people will descend on Washington, DC to make the statement that women’s rights are human rights. Over 200,000 people are expected to take part. Can’t make it to DC? Over 700,000 are expected to take part in Sister Marches around the world. Learn more by visiting the March’s website.

7. Attend the J21 teach-in

After the Women’s March on Saturday, join Public Citizen as they host a teach-in in Washington, DC to educate activists on how best to stand with women, people of color, immigrants, and religious minorities. RSVP at j21teachin.org and use the hashtag #WeRise on social media.



Democracy Initiative

Mobilizing across America for money in politics reform, advancing voting rights, and a strong democracy for all. http://www.democracyinitiative.org/