The Defense of Our Democracy is the Defense of Environment

Democracy Initiative
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2017

As leaders in the environmental movement, we are committed to democracy reforms as part of our mission to protect the planet and all of it’s inhabitants. A healthy democracy and a healthy planet go hand-in-hand. That’s why we’re joining thousands of people in D.C. and around the country for the People’s Climate March on April 29th — the 100th day in office for the Trump administration.

Every day of this administration has been a constant assault on our environment, our families, our communities and our democracy.

We want to have a strong presence of Democracy activists marching together so we invite you to join us and thousands of allies on April 29th to speak out against the administration’s harmful agenda and speak up for climate action, good family-wage paying jobs, and justice for all.

We invite you to be part of this historic march as a Democracy Defender. The Democracy Initiative is mobilizing to march in D.C. and in sister marches across the country. Here is how you can get involved:

We all deserve a government that says no to corporate influences that pollute our planet, our people, and our politics. Our broad coalition representing labor, environmentalists, and civil rights demands a democracy that works for everyone.

It’s in our shared strength that we can mobilize millions to create a more accountable and reflective democracy.

Here are three reasons to join the People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29:

  • All Americans deserve to live in a healthy community. Recent actions by the Trump administration and Congress have weakened health and safety protections for many in our communities. Without common sense protections for clean water and clean air, the ongoing crisis experienced by families in Flint, Michigan will become more prevalent across the country. We need to protect our children and future generations from harmful chemicals that lead to health issues and mental impairments.
  • Clean energy is the future. The current administration’s continued rollback on environmental, climate, and safety standards in the workplace puts corporate and fossil fuel profits above people. Americans deserve a safe workplace and good-paying, family-sustaining jobs. The climate crisis is worsening but the clean energy economy is growing and creating good jobs that protect the health of every community. Committing to a climate-friendly, clean energy economy that leaves no worker behind means speaking up for higher-wage, union-friendly jobs as well as strong workplace safeguards.
  • American democracy thrives when WE THE PEOPLE are heard. We must put an end to corporate interests and the fossil fuel industry drowning out the voices of everyday Americans. Citizens want an accountable and reflective government that serves the needs of the community. In order to do that we need to ensure every eligible voter can fully participate and be counted. It’s time to put an end to voter suppression and lift up pro-democracy reforms at the local, state, and national level.

It’s been said many times: to change everything, we need everyone. That’s why we need you to join the People’s Climate March on Saturday, April 29th, and invite your family, friends, and neighbors.

We are at a critical moment, where collectively we can create a healthier planet and a better democracy for all.

Be a Democracy Defender at the People’s Climate March.

Sign up today at! If you want to march with us as a Democracy Defender meet us at 100 Maryland Ave NE at 10 AM on Saturday, April 29th.


Annie Leonard, Greenpeace USA Executive Director

Michael Brune, Sierra Club Executive Director

Contact Elana Orbuch ( for more information.



Democracy Initiative

Mobilizing across America for money in politics reform, advancing voting rights, and a strong democracy for all.