How to get published on Unitechie

Kavit (zenwraight)
Published in
2 min readAug 6, 2020


The foundation of Unitechie is sharing knowledge and helping each other grow as a community. We will outline the steps to have your articles be co-published on Unitechie. Be sure to follow the us to help support our community of authors which we hope you choose to be a part of.

How to submit an article

  1. Email with a link to your story. Please share a draft link and wait to publish the story as this will help us maximize the results from the Medium ranking algorithm.
  2. Our team will add you as a writer.
  3. Follow these instructions to submit a story.
  4. We will review and lightly edit your story. If it meets our criteria, we will publish it.
  5. The Unitechie team will promote your story in relevant places, on social media, and to our community to help more people discover your article.
  6. Share your story on Twitter, Facebook, and other social outlets and be sure to tag @unitechie1 so we can help you promote. The benefit of the Unitechie community is supporting and finding each other. However, we ask that you don’t do anything sketchy to promote your story as it will reflect poorly on yourself as well as Unitechie.

How we select articles

We try to ensure that the stories will be beneficial to our readers. We seek to only…

