United Baristas Summer Sort-Out 2018

We’ve started a sort-out. Here’s why, and where to go if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

United Baristas
Celebrating the Daily Grind
3 min readJul 12, 2018


We’ve started a sort-out. Not a bit of dusting, but one of those proper every couple of years, shift-through-everything to chuck-it, archive-it, or give-it-a-polish sort-outs.

United Baristas Help Centre

The reason is that we are launching a Help Centre for United Baristas services.

If the article that you’re looking for isn’t here, you probably didn’t imagining its existence — it’s most likely to have been updated and moved to United Baristas Help Centre.

Summertime, and the living is meant to be easy. But we’ve been hard at work.


Over the last months we’ve been compiling and rationalising content into the Help Centre from across out websites. We’ve also written new support articles based on the queries that we most commonly receive.

We will add additional support articles based on the needs of the community and as we introduce, or update, services. Here’s what’s in the pipeline:

United Baristas Careers

We have some updates for United Baristas Careers scheduled, so we’ll add support articles to United Baristas Help Centre once these changes are implemented to have the best examples.

United Baristas Marketplace

Existing articles have been moved to Help Centre, and new article are being written and added.

United Baristas Workshop

Existing articles have been removed or scheduled for deletion, to prepare for the launch of Workshop 2. Support articles will be added to Help Centre at the launch of the new service.

Sign up now for early access.

Taking the ‘Medium’ view

Over the past couple of years we’ve used Medium for a variety of purposes. It’s been a handy platform to add thoughts, videos, updates and articles. However, it’s led to some clutter, fragmentation and even duplication.

We’re fans of Medium, its objectives, and are pleased to see how much they have accomplished. Going forwards we’ll be taking a more Medium-view, and will be solely publishing a selection of articles here. This best reflects the platform’s strengths, its direction of travel, and our followers’ reading patterns. We’ve also reverted to our original Medium URL: https://medium.com/united-baristas — any bookmarked links may break, sorry ;(

If you’re after our other content, just head over to United Baristas.

Got any questions, we’re on the usual channels. And now if you have a support issues, it’s best to get in touch at https://help.unitedbaristas.com

Happy coffee dinking ☕️,
The team at United Baristas

