Rough Guide to the British General Election 2015

Zachary Mooney
United Kingdom General Election 2015
2 min readMar 31, 2015


The short campaign has finally begun. After months of awkward political posturing, parliament has now been dissolved and candidates are now on the road in their prospective constituencies.

This guide will take you through the various manifestos and debates that will be occur during this time up until the general election on 7 May 2015.

Up until that time, I will continuously keep this page updated to highlight the key events that have happened and are anticipated to happen before the big day.

Register to Vote

General Election Manifestos

“Vote for Policies, Not Personalities

Who are your candidates?


26 March: Cameron & Miliband Live: Battle for Number 10

30 March: Short Campaign Begins

30 March: Scottish Green Party release their manifesto.

31 March: Plaid Cymru release their manifesto.

31 March: Left Unity release their manifesto.

31 March: The Whig Party release their manifesto

2 April: The ITV Leaders’ Debate (Conservatives, Green, Labour, Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, SNP, UKIP)

9 April: LBC Women Leaders’ Debate

14 April: The Green Party of England & Wales release their manifesto.

14 April: Conservative Party release their manifesto.

15 April: The Liberal Democrats release their manifesto

15 April: UKIP release their manifesto.

16 April: ‘Oppositional Debate’ (Green, Labour, Plaid Cymru, SNP, UKIP)

20 April: Voter Registration Deadline

30 April: Question Time Special (David Cameron, Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband)

7 May: General Election

