Director of National Intelligence largeTitanic2

About the DNI


Large’s time in NUSA begins just about a year ago in the Department of Homeland Security under then Secretary SecretlyJacob and Deputy Secretary myuo. He was an agent for the main division and for the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, which was basically the DHS intel. office. When Sudden’s second term began, he was assigned Director of that office under Deputy Secretary TheySinned and Secretary Purgesabre. In the OIA, he learned and honed his skills as an agent of a NUSA intelligence division and as an overseer of one.

Large first came into contact with the Intelligence Community and its’ staff when then Deputy DNI AutoLoad came to him about his OIA Headquarters building, asking if he might use it for the IC. I accepted. I served for a few weeks as Secretary to the DDNIs, then AutoLoad and MilesWolffe, while I was OIA Director. They became two of his very closest friends, and though both of them are now distant from the IC, we still talk.

When AutoLoad resigned as DDNI, daniaII, then DNI, was on vacation, and Miles wanted someone else to assist him in managing the IC. He eventually appointed Large as an acting DDNI, and from there he learned to host IC meetings, collect and write logs, oversee many, many operations, and much more. He was eventually appointed full DDNI when Dan returned from his vacation. For the remainder of the term, things were quite boring. Dan being bogged down by schoolwork, Miles and Large were left to run the IC. They would alternate between hosting the meetings and collecting the logs, and there was even a point when Miles became bogged down by school as well; Large flew solo as Acting DNI for several weeks. In this time he learned what being DNI truly was, and also learned how little it is capable of without a strong president behind it. He remained Acting DNI for only a few weeks, but he learned much. He created a public archives trello, maintained and rebuilt Dan’s ODNI system do that it worked better for ODNI, and started an ODNI intern program.

Throughout this term and the last, Large has watched and participated in strong leadership of the IC, and he’s also learned how he can improve upon it. The DNI wants to centralize power around the Office of the DNI and give it a strong position in our government instead of its’ normally weak one. He’d like to bring Intelligence Community Blacklists back to the Intelligence Community where they belong. These are only a few of the many plans he’s proposing. The DNI brings purpose, consistency, dedication, activity, work ethic, and confidence to the Intelligence Community and the ODNI. Large is confident in himself and his new staff’s ability to lead the IC, and is excited to prove it to you over the course of Devon(TheySinned)’s first term.

The following are quotes from the DNI regarding the plans he’d like to implement:

I’d like to create an open Assistant DNI Application program. This will allow us to open the application process to new people that haven’t been in the ODNI before, and will allow us a wide variety of people to choose from. We’re not picking ADNIs before we enter office- we’re letting them send us applications first. We will release this form once we enter office. I’d like to create weekly press releases in order to keep the public updated on the state of the intelligence community, our plans, meetings, any declassified items, and enforce consistency of press conferences.

We need to declassify any possible operations for public view each month. It’s imperative that anything the public can be informed of, they are informed of. Americans have a right to know what is going on in their Intelligence services; and we intend to tell you everything we can, with presidential approval. I want to create a veterans’ program with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs to teach intelligence and hire veterans into the Intelligence Community. This will not only offer jobs to veterans, but will give us a chance to bring new people into the IC who haven’t necessarily done intelligence before. IC jobs are interesting, fast-paced, and require lots of activity — they’re sure to keep anybody busy.

I want to create an active ODNI Intern program that allows anyone to become an ODNI Intern and experience life in the Intelligence Community for a two week period. This will give people the chance to see what the IC is really like, get a chance to spend time working with the Director of National Intelligence and other IC leaders, and show them how we operate. This gives people a strong insight into the IC so that they can consider whether or not they want to be employed with us. We need to decrease the quantity of required activity logs by agencies and increase the quality of them. I believe that IC agencies put out far too many activity logs with far too little information. It’s time to centralize the activity log system that we’ve used for so long so that it works better for ODNI so that we can more easily and efficiently brief the President and Congress on intelligence affairs.

I want to work with the Department of State more heavily to ensure that all intelligence activities are coordinated and follow administration foreign poilicy. This will ensure that we don’t overstep the boundaries we set for ourselves. I believe that State and Intelligence communicate far too little; we need to change that. We also need to work with Congress to ensure that the IC is actively reporting to them as the new law states; and ensure that the reports are detailed and accurate. This will ensure that Congress is readily briefed on intelligence affairs. I want to continue to screen out incompetent intelligence agents to decrease intelligence failures. We need to clearly define the roles of every member in the Office of the DNI and in the Intelligence Community itself to ensure that no one has a job with no purpose. I’m tired of seeing people hold positions and not know why they hold them or what their job even is.

Thank you for reading.



Secretary Lucas Fulton
United States Intelligence Community

Official Medium account for NUSA Secretary of Defense Lucas Fulton. Roleplay account.