ODNI News Release January 26, 2017

ADNI Application Results, ODNI Intern Program, Progressing Intelligence Reforms




ODNI News Release

January 26, 2017

ADNI Application Results

WASHINGTON — It is with great anticipation that we announce the people who have passed the scrutiny of the ODNI and will be nominated by the President for ADNI. Understand that this does not mean you are official, but means you will be nominated for these positions. Here are the three names we have selected for these positions:

DevonWilliams — Assistant Director, Inter-Agency Affairs

MasonRockefeller — Assistant Director, Public Affairs

Cjsmithy — Assistant Director, Internal Affairs

Again, do not mistake this for complete and utter confirmation. There is a process to this. That being said, the above nominees have 24 hours to contact the ODNI on Discord (Dir. largeTitanic2#5010) so that we may move forward. If you applied for a position and are not on the above list, keep reading, onto the Intern program.

ODNI Intern Program

We’re very grateful to the people who applied for Assistant Director of National Intelligence- we received nearly 40 applications. For these people, we don’t want to turn them a blind eye. We’d like to announce that we’ll be starting an ODNI Intern Program, which will take effect sometime this month. Every month, two to three people will be brought into the ODNI as interns to work with the DNI and his staff for that month period. You will attend a few IC meetings, help us with our daily work, and see what working in the IC is really like. Once again, we’d like to thank everyone who applied for ADNI. Your applications were not turned down without consideration, and it’s amazing to us that you care so much about the IC to apply for a position like ADNI.

Progressing Intelligence Reforms

In continuing our intelligence reforms that the ODNI began on Tuesday, we implemented the National Intelligence Enhancement Plan into the National Security Agency this afternoon. In short, the National Intelligence Enhancement Program is the DNI’s plan to reduce leaks, increase the speed at which information flows from agent to policymaker, cabinet member or president, and centralize intelligence operations by integrating a set-in-stone policy across all IC agencies. While the exact method in which this has been done will remain classified for security reasons as we don’t want enemy nations knowing our process by which we deliver intelligence, it is a sweeping change that the IC has needed for quite some time. While we cannot prevent or predict every leak, we can do our part to stop as many of them as we can- this is the beginning of that.

In the coming weeks, our new plan will be implemented in the remaining IC agencies, and we’ll be sure to keep the public updated on our progress.

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Secretary Lucas Fulton
United States Intelligence Community

Official Medium account for NUSA Secretary of Defense Lucas Fulton. Roleplay account.