Removing regular Americans from the IC’s discord server

What it means for our intelligence network


Removing people from a Discord server seems unimportant at first glance- it’s usually met with some discourse, some anger, a few upset people — and those people aren’t in the wrong, they’re in the right. Removing people without clearances from the Discord server wasn’t right. In fact, we miss having all of you around. I’m going to take this time to talk a little bit about why we needed to do it.

As many of the employees of the Intelligence Community know, we’re a pretty fun organization. Game nights, discord server gatherings, movies, you name it. But as I’m sure these same people can tell you, the war isn’t something the IC has taken lightly. Tightened security means less knowledge and access by employees and agency HiCOM. But what’s important to see is how the IC handles news like this. Very few agents complain. Our people know what’s coming, and how to handle it, and that’s what’s always amazed me about the Intelligence Community — and one of the many reasons I love it.

But what does removing people from our public server mean for everyone else in the nation?

It means your Intelligence Community is pulling its’ boots up, rolling up its’ sleeves, sitting down and getting the work done.

largeTitanic2, Director of National Intelligence



Secretary Lucas Fulton
United States Intelligence Community

Official Medium account for NUSA Secretary of Defense Lucas Fulton. Roleplay account.