The Intelligence Community Agenda

The first few weeks of TheySinned’s administration


Hi, I’m largeTitanic2, Director of National Intelligence. This evening I’ll be explaining the first few week’s agenda in the United States Intelligence Community.

What our first day in office will look like

On my first day in office as Director of National Intelligence, we will:

  • Hold first IC Meeting
  • Hold first IC Weekly Press Conference

Our first meeting, being the first event that the IC will hold this term, will be a public affair. Public members will be able to join, but not speak, and will be allowed to speak later in the meeting. During the meeting I’ll be laying down general guidelines, establishing ODNI positions, assigning first tasks to IC directors and briefing IC agents on the term ahead.

The press conference will cover all items covered in the meeting, and a full meeting brief will be released following the conclusion of the conference. The conference will be held in-game, as they usually are, in the Miles J. Wolffe Auditorium, where most if not all of our press conferences will be held. Everything we publicly release, anything our directors publicly release, and a personal release from the DNI will be listed on the Intelligence Community medium page.

The final thing we’ll be doing on this day is releasing Assistant Director of National Intelligence applications, which we’ll shout in the IC, NUSA Main, all the discord servers, and everywhere we can spread it. As I’ve said in other publications, the application process will be open for the following positions in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence:

  • Assistant Director, Internal Affairs
  • Assistant Director, Interagency Affairs
  • Assistant Director, Public Affairs

Deputy DNI positions have already been filled, so they won’t be included in the application process, but we encourage you to apply for ADNI. You’ll be joining one of the most important intelligence teams in NUSA!

My agenda going forward

As I promised at my Senate hearing, one of our main focuses will be declassification when possible. The re-establishment of my IC | Public Archives trello board will be carried out immediately following the beginning of my term. While we won’t put declassified operations on the Medium page as I don’t really think that’s the place for them, they’ll be listed on the trello for public view. The link to the trello will be shouted in main NUSA, tweeted on the IC Twitter account, and mentioned each time we release something to the public so that they will have easy access to our board, but I recommend you star our board or subscribe to it if you like seeing what we release. My primary goal as DNI is to strengthen our intelligence, centralize power around the DNI and his/her office, effectively reform the clearance system, change the way intelligence flows through the nation, effectively decrease intelligence failures and leaks, and re-establish a sense of professionalism over the Intelligence Community.

— largeTitanic2, Director of National Intelligence



Secretary Lucas Fulton
United States Intelligence Community

Official Medium account for NUSA Secretary of Defense Lucas Fulton. Roleplay account.