Arkadían Economics

From Egonomics to Economics (Ver 1.6)

United Terra Journal
12 min readFeb 8, 2018


To You by You for I am You.


After Tribal Communism, it began with barter, the commerce of trading things. I shall trade you a goat’s milk for two pounds of grains. This, in turn, shifted to trade with gems & precious metals. For two pieces of silver, you can have these pair of shoes! It then shifted into a fiat system of purely perceived value. Who knew that I can get a cell phone for $20 USD? If you noticed, value is produced in thought. We think the goat’s milk is worth two pounds of grains. We think two pieces of silver is worth a pair of shoes. We think a cell phone can be worth $20 USD.

Every thought is produced from the mind, a great tool without mastery creates turmoil. It is painted by our experiences, memories and beliefs. In the attachment, ego is created, a mask we all carry. And yet, the ego is distorted and thus false. It is self-indulgent and succumbs to fear. There is something the ego cannot dictate; that is One’s Mortality/Life. This limited resource stirs the fear of death within us; for the mind & ego is attached to the body & memories and beliefs. The body has limited life span and is very brittle to illness and injury.

Egonomics is run on currency that wastes one’s time & life with theories instead of practice. What does it mean my service is $1k/hour? We are valuing people’s lives based on a theory that only exist in our minds. It is dehumanizing/egotistical to place a theoretical value on someone’s time. In actuality, everyone’s time is equally fragile & limited. Certain skills & experience will make the subject valuable but it will not depend on theoretical pricing. It will depend on character and the project. Money & Power are trivial pursuits of the ego of the mind.

Will you be a slave to the ego/mind?

Or, will you be a master of the mind/ego?

Egonomics is a corruptible system that controls & destroys human progress for the wealth of the few… of “Me”. So what is true economics? It is social technology utilizing what we use everyday: Time, Resources & Relationships. It begins with understanding the fundamental technology of mankind: the mind & the ego. Then it will lead us into understanding Time, the Eternal Circle of Life.


Let’s now dive into economics. First let’s dig into the word economics, stemming from the Greek word “oeconomicus” which represents Household Management. Envisioning Terra (Earth) as the house with the household that includes All Life on Terra (Earth). What is eco-? Well, when we attach eco- to a word, it implies equality and responsibility. Eco- is a paradigm in which our prosperity is in being responsible and caring to all… for we are all in each other’s mercy. We are in the mercy of the planet Earth. It’s weather and other activities has taken lives. We are in the mercy of animals and plants for they are the source of sustenance we live on and the ecosystems we live in. We are in the mercy of other humans for they can take or sustain our lives. The Eco- Paradigm is where One is All & All is One. Eco- is Life-Centered.

So, What is the currency of economical human society in which we haven’t had? Or, rather we were always in an economical universe but become blinded by a dirty ego… Time/One’s Life.

If time is money, why haven’t we used time as a currency?

So, how can we illustrate this? Well, we have been blessed with the invention of Cryptocurrency & the Blockchain, a genius invention although adolescent. But, we do have innovative leader in the field, Holochain. There are young but there is plenty of potential to be the “Digital Economy of Life”. This new decentralized system will be called Pentacle Protocol & GAIA. This innovation will give rise to a Resource-Time economics so we live in harmony with our Celestial Mother, Terra… called Arkadian Economics.

And now, We dive deeper…

With the life/time as currency, social contracts will be quite important because well who wants to waste someone’s precious time? Furthermore, Medicine will serve a different purpose in enriching everyone’s lives. Medicine will be turned into an activity of healing and supporting lives. It will be a renaissance where people do what they love responsibly. They will follow their hearts and care for everything for they are everything. It is a system where there is thriving balance, and the bankruptcy of humanity is extinction. There is fair warning! This system will have minimal to no desire for ownership, but there will be credit which we shall call gratitude.

If you must go to Auckland, you are free to do so. Just make sure you have the time and you must go when it’s available to. You never know.. The time you may want to go may be booked. You may have to find a earlier time slot, or we have come to a time where it is essentially no time to travel (teleportation)… Imagine that!! Technology will be built on maximizing time for time/life is precious. With your wallet of 1 Pentacle representing the lifespan of the individual we strive to care for, you are welcome to spend as much time as you wish. Live your life! Do what you love! Share your love with everyone! Give your life to enrich Life! Further, your wallet amount will be equal to the difference of your current age and your life expectancy. It is socio-economic attitude built on The Beloved Cycle of Compassion. Everyone deserves a long, prosperous life. Let us share this love!

Hierarchy & Priorities are set by the individual and society. In Truth, each segment are equally needed to reach Deep Compassion, Nirvana.

Now, what happens in death or birth? More precisely, what about old age and early childhood? Well, the total supply of Pentacles will need to represent the population of humanity which will fluctuate. For seniors, instead of life expectancy, their wallet amount will represent their current age until they pass over. For young children, their parents/caretaker will be the agent of the child’s wallet as a way to take care of the child. What would it mean to steal someone’s time/life? A dangerous place isn’t it? What happens in over-population? Time will be spent to head to the stars. Economically, we will go from stewards of Earth to stewards of the cosmos.

Essentially, the Protopic Economy is based on three pillars: Cultivation of Time, Resources & Character.

How does the ego function in this system? How will “I” function in this system? Well, do you like self-indulgent people? Would you like to spend your time with a self-indulgent person? Would you like to spend time with someone who believes Christians are better Muslims? Would you like to spend time with someone who believes women are not equal to men? Would you like any person who has this self-indulgent violence.. this psychological disorder? No, right? Bias is the root of the ego. But please, do not demonize. They need love & mercy as well as your true feelings. Help them for they are you. Spend your time wisely, lovingly, and do not get in your own way. Life awaits us all. What does it entail to have good character?

Education will feel very different within this ecosystem. There will be a focus in what it means to live a fulfilling life (Ikigai) and understanding living with the human condition (philosophy, psychology & human physiology). It will piggyback on the fundamental knowledge of math, arts, science, history, and so forth. The main difference is that the goal of education is to nurture well-rounded, passionate human beings through inherent curiosity within all us. A free, holistic education dedicated to enrich individual students to question, discover and live their calling/love. An education dedicated to allowing teachers freedom to be responsibly creative with their craft to nurturing, challenging, and learning from their pupils’ curiosity and talents. It won’t be surprising that teachers are highly respected for carry such a responsibility.

So, the wealthiest people are not only those with the most time. They are the people with the cleanest egos… Loving, Responsible, Creative People.



Now, let’s look in the marketplace! With currency as time/life, business will be based on culture, innovation, and love. Furthermore, all business will be open-source. It is in the paradigm of open-source that the ideas of all users should be listened to. Employee, Creator, or just simple customer/user all have a say because all ideas are welcomed. My knowledge is your knowledge. Your experience is my experience.

Dealing with numbers, let us take Video Streaming for instance. I log on to Netflix and begin watching Abstract. Spending my time on Netflix, Netflix is paid… or getting deeper Netflix picked up the bill of the creation of the Abstract Series (All the time spent from each working person). So, as I watch it, I am paying Netflix’s debt. But Netflix may become automated where there is no cost. I will pay Abstract Series with my time watching it. If it is physical product, the price would be calculated from how much time it takes to create the single product. It would include manufacturing, gathering of resources, man hours and other variables. It may seem expensive but how expensive is a pair of shoes that totals 6 months when you have 80 years in your wallet? How will this abundance affect humanity in the short term and long term? We have Native Americans to teach us in living with abundance. One key component in their teachings is the planet is a Being. We must live in balance/harmony with her. Otherwise, there are dire consequences.

What about supply & demand? That is up to the creator to release limited products. Price won’t differ unless the process of the product differs from mass market. Life Cycles of products will be very different. Fast fashion and technology will not make sense, because there will be an attention to refrain from excess & waste. Pre-Ordering/made-to-order will be a common practice. With impending crisis of resources, Circular economic practice will create a resource-based wrinkle to be better in sync with the planet & neighbors and be sustainable. We will enter into an age of responsibility of reuse & recycle. It will be about quality, longevity, and flexibility.

Is this egalitarian? Yes, it will based on skill sets, character/ethics, and merit. If a Black woman can do it better than an Asian man, we must use the more skillful and culturally fit person. Competition will then be friendly. On the surface, you “compete” with others, but, in reality, you are competing with yourself to grow and mature (self-mastery). It’s all a game of growth & transcendence rather than comparison. The blade needs abrasion in order to become sharp. Collaboration is fully realized when each member is self-mastered; the self/ego no longer dominates.

OH NO! No one is spending any time on my creation! Don’t worry. There is another day for we will strive to give you another day to keep creating, helping, and loving! You see it! Everyone remains wealthy as long as they are alive, healthy and of loving service! Live Long & Prosper!

Now, we come to another pickle situation! Earth, Animals and Resources are limited. The economic model to be adopted is the circular economic model which generates less waste and regenerates/balances the Earth. It is in this paradigm ‘Government’ will transform into a Cultivation Alliance. ‘Society’ will transform into the School of the Cosmos.

Furthermore, we do have a powerful mind. Shit, we have tons of minds! We can all come together as we have for centuries turning the impossible possible. There was a time we couldn’t fly… now, we have airplanes. There was a time where we couldn’t share thoughts/ideas/feelings/experiences, we created language (spoken, written & physical). Nothing is impossible when we put all our heads together. Can we transform combative debate into exploratory discussion?

Economically, there will be job boards for different aspects of the Terran (Cosmic) Economy. There may be a time we need more ecologists to be attentive of the Earth. We may need more engineers for our space voyages. There will be tons of opportunities for and from people to apply their time… their life. But, will the work be done? Well, it must be done; responsibility is highly valued. We are creating robots to take over menial tasks as we speak.

Is it Just to provide someone a living in exchange of their life?

Or, Is it Just to provide someone life and opportunities for their living?

Image from book “Man and This Mysterious Universe” by Shamcher Bryn Beorse. The Human is the Microcosm of the Universe.

Spirituality & Culture

For religious people, I understand why you are dear to your belief systems. They are not wrong, in fact, like all language, it is a tool. It is a pointing finger to Truth. The Truth is spirituality, a realm we are all invited. Buddha invited us. Jesus/Yeshua invited us. And, the lists goes on. Even shamanism and magic are just languages to spirituality. Atheist, you are correct as well. “God” is but a name/mask. Behind the mask is something beyond but within us all, Love. Oddly enough, the gate to the realm of spirituality where Life is Us and We are Life comes in using our life. When you are ready to jump, the pool is always ready. We must throw ourselves at life and live it! There is nothing to fear. There is no death; only life. Death is just a moment where we return. Just as, birth is where we come forth into existence.

It doesn’t matter whether you believe in or live in Truth & Wisdom.

But, there consequences for not abiding by it… living in foolishness & delusion.

As science is studying, discovering, and testing, there are laws to existence. All things in existence deteriorate & change. There is a cycle. What I say to you, for I am You, go to where existence is brought to life. Since we are alive, that place is within. In legend, it is said that man was created in “God” (Love)’s image. Well, that would makes us the manifested human form of “God” (Love).

We are Life experiencing itself in various ever-changing ways.

We think we are separate and divided. We are never separate from Love… We have always been Love. Tread carefully for the “Me” (ego) is of the mind, a tool. Our love is the paintbrush of our divinity. Follow your heart. For I am Love & Life. In realizing the Truth, it is all about living the Divine Attitude, often called Christ’s way, Buddhahood, The Tao, Zen, and so forth. It is our Great Work.

Be still and listen. In the absence of Fear, Love awaits us. We will not be without Love. Life is of Love. We are emanations of Love. This is the basis of Æden, a planetary culture of Wisdom, Harmony & the Loving Will.

Born to Love. Love to Create.

Live to Love. Love to Live.

Love to Die. Die to Love.

We are Eternity. We are the Universe. We are Celestial Beings born from Terra. We are Droplets of the Divine Ocean of many names: Allah, Yahweh, Ahura Mazda, Brahman, Life, God, etc.

Let us live to be the stewards of all creation. Gardeners of the Cosmos. Stewards of Life. The Great Service.

Forever Grateful. Feel free to comment, critique, & share.

This is just the spark!


There’s a dream of a humanity of abundance, limitless creativity, and love. A cosmic love of the duality realizing the Trinary Reality of Harmony. Where the ego dissolves in the love of the spirit of Life and the spirit of Life liberates the ego. In worry, the spirit will calm me. In confusion, the spirit will pull me to where I must go. We voyage into far reaches of the universe to become its caretaker… A Steward to Life. An Embodiment of Love.

The Reclamation begins…

Online Living Document (w/ footnotes) Is Found Here. You are allowed to comment & critique.

