The Beloved Cycle of Compassion

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 3.0

United Terra Journal
3 min readApr 15, 2018


Traditionally, we have this pyramid. Bare in mind, Maslow didn’t create the pyramid. It was made a third party to illustrate Maslow’s research. Furthermore, Maslow added another need: Self-Transcendence. There are other variations as well. Like Below:

Unfortunately, hierarchical visualization is subject to fallacy because it is basing on priorities that vary person to person and even culture to culture. So, our needs isn’t hierarchical. Instead, we can see them as cylinders of our well-being. We need all cylinders running to reach the deep & expansive well-being often called Nirvana or Sahasrara. So, instead of pyramid, let’s use a circle.

What do you see that tickles your mind? How does this image make you feel?

This cycle of needs create a flow. If one or more is lacking, the blockage will cause and signal a discomfort or a suffering to be addressed. The cycle is both physical, psychological and metaphysical. It is also very similar to Kundalini 7 Chakras.

We also see that the direction you can take is either clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each direction will run into blockages/pain points to address. You can start at any position as well. How do we assess each need? Ask questions. Am I safe? Are others safe? Are we safe? Is the environment safe? What is safety? Is safety a prison? Is a loving environment a safe place?

It is imperative to not only ask this of yourself but to ask about society. You and Society are connected. You are responsible for others as much as you are responsible for yourself. Be careful. This does not mean to impose and become a dictator. Have compassion and live from compassion. Love is at the center of the Cycle. Love is the current through each gate. Desire & Fear are what impedes each gate. You must care and have mercy for you depend on other care and mercy even if they aren’t human.

This leads us into Self-Transcendence. What does it mean to transcend the self? Why is it important to transcend the self? What if, in transcending the self, you realize a hidden Higher Self? What if the self you see as your name (self-image) and the body is not your true self? What if it is a mask? What if the true self underneath and beyond the mask is a Cosmic Self? What if this Cosmic Self is infinitely deep and expansive? What if this Self is the realization ‘I am You. I am the Cosmos. I am Life. I am Everything. I am that I am.’?

In Closing, this Cycle of Compassion is just a piece of the “School of the Cosmos” and other key insights in living within this reality (physical + metaphysical). Feel free to critique and question. This is not the end of this insight.

