The Nature of Mind & Creation of Ego

United Terra Journal
3 min readFeb 26, 2018

The mind is peculiar technology. It is the projection of the brain that mirrors all information. Then there is a consciousness of the technology. One would think it is the ego but it isn’t so. The ego is a creation from attachment. It is a creation of the mind thus not consciousness. The ego is the basis of all bias. The ego is our mask. It is what you think and believe you are. Unfortunately, it is false. The ego is an imagination. It is the veil before your eyes. Why have you gotten in your way?

Using metaphorical images, let us explore this dynamic.

Pink Floyd was onto something!

As we can see in the image, there is a light, a prism and an array of colors. Let us dissect!

The light is Life. When it strikes the prism (mind through manifestation), it creates consciousness & existence (array of colors). The ego is when you make the prism tainted with one’s attachment. It clouds the perception of all there is… your true Self.

How do you clean the prism? Let go of everything. In death, you shall be set free. A psychological death where you lay your ego to rest. You burn it to ashes. The sign of ego is found in the 7 “sins”: Wrath, Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Sloth & Envy. The reason there is 7 is no accident. 7 is the symbol of the seeker of truth. As long as you seek/desire, you will live in the confusion and turmoil of the ego. In the realization of the truth, ego is dispelled for all that is false dies in the presence of truth. In the love of life and death, you become True. You are the Truth.

Will you have the ego use you?

Or, Will you use the ego?

How can this translate to mental disorders? Biological assistance is helpful to return the bodily balance because our mind is influenced by the body/brain and vice versa. Psychedelic drugs is perfect example of the phenomena. There is another assistance that is in the form of psychiatry. It is the practice of facing the ego and it’s worries, trauma/fears, & illusions… and letting it go. Living in death while walking on Earth. It is in that practice the mystery is vivid. In death & birth, you are Life. You are all there is. You are Everything. Desire is transformed into Love. The Highest Love is the love that sacrifice oneself to all Life. The human is now eco-centric. The human is a liberating Love.

We are of two selves. The self is of the Ego. The Self is of “I am that I am”. The Self is the realization of the Oneness. The Self is of Wholeness and Authenticity. If the Self isn’t realized, you are trapped in the self (ego) and suffer. When one realizes the Self, the self is a tool or a channel. Who are you?

Depression is a sign of choking. The attachment is so tight you are choking. Bi-Polar/Multi-Personality is a sign of a fragmented ego. The attachment creates a confusion. Schizophrenia is sign of a powerful ego/mind projecting its fear or/and untamed imagination into ‘reality’.

Our mind is projector and receiver. It is similar to camera obscura, but it projects things called Thought.

Camera Obscura: Man is the ego. Box is the vessel/body. The Hole is consciousness. You are the hole projecting who you truly are… Everything.

Lastly, we must speak on why we attach. Don’t we attach because we are afraid? We are afraid of the mystery which we all are. We see it as an abyss… emptiness. The fear of the unknown is what robs you of life. Dive into the abyss you shall realize you are the light of all creation. You are the mystery. You are the infinite. You are the eternal. Fall into the arms of Love. You will be eternally Home.

