Joseph Westby grant recipients use funds to attend SHAPE Conference in Minneapolis

North Dakota United
United Voices
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2016

Middle school health teachers from Grand Forks were able to attend the National Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE) Conference in Minneapolis on April 5-9, 2016, with the support of North Dakota United, through the Joseph A. Westby Leadership Award and the Grand Forks Public School District.

GFEA members and Joseph A. Westby Leadership Award recipients Samantha Logan, Bethany Bjerke, Kristie Mack and Jane Rodacker are pictures at the 2016 National SHAPE Conference in Minneapolis.

Grand Forks Education Association members Samantha Logan, Bethany Bjerke, Kristie Mack and Jane Rodacker (pictured above) attended sessions related to health, wellness and physical education. They had the chance to engage with health and physical educators from around the country in 50 Million Strong by 2019, which is SHAPE America’s new national initiative aimed at ensuring that all of America’s students are equipped to thrive as healthy, active adults by making health, physical activity and physical education foundational to academic success.

The Grand Forks health teachers were able to glean information from health education professionals from across the nation. They attended sessions conducted by enthusiastic presenters, who all shared valuable information based on current research and best practices. They experienced many student-centered activities and practical classroom strategies that they were able to put to use in their own classes.

Congratulations to our Joseph Westby Leadership Award recipients! Everyone at North Dakota United applauds you for using those funds to expand yourselves as professionals, and passing that knowledge on to the students we educate every day in classrooms all across our state.



North Dakota United
United Voices

North Dakota United is 11,000 public workers and educators, united in support of great public education and great public services for every N.D. citizen.