Our Interview Guide

United We Listen
United We Listen


Use these questions as a guide to interview someone. The questions are divided into three parts: Voting, Issues, and Media.

Suggested Introduction Text:
Thanks for speaking with me today! We’re creating a platform for people of all backgrounds in America to listen to each other’s views on issues and politics. So we’d like to ask you some questions to learn about your views and how you came to them.
Once again, our goal here is to listen to your thoughts, so there are no wrong answers. You will remain anonymous, but if it’s okay with you, I’d like to record our conversation to post the results online.

Part 1: Voting

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your background.

What was it like growing up in ___?

When did you first become interested in local or national politics?

Do you remember the first candidate(s) you supported?

How would you describe your current political views?

Do you think your political views have changed over time?

Did you vote for President in the last election? Who did you vote for?

If they did NOT vote:

Why did you decide not to vote?

Have you voted in the past?

Why did you decide to vote then?

If they DID vote:

What was your process in deciding who to vote for?

When did you decide to vote for that candidate?

Did you support them in the primary? Why? If not, who did you support in the primary, and why?

What was the most important reason to vote for that candidate?

Did you have any concerns about that candidate? What were they?

Part 2: Issues

What issues in your local community are important to you?

What national issues are important to you?

How do you think government officials will address those issues?

Can you tell me about an issue that has affected you personally?

What do you think are the biggest issues facing our country?

What do you think are our country’s greatest strengths?

How would you like to see our country change in the next four years?

What would you like to stay the same?

Part 3: Media

How do you usually get the news?

Which outlets do you usually read/watch?

Which outlets do you feel are the most trustworthy?

What makes them trustworthy?

Which outlets do you feel are the least trustworthy?

Why do you feel that they are not trustworthy?

Are there people whose opinion you value on political news and issues?

Why do you value their opinion?

How do you usually find out about national and local candidates running for office?

What information about candidates would you like to know about?

What issues would you like to know more about?

Is there anything else that you think I should know?

