Beginning Game Development: State Machine I

Introduction to State Machines in Unity3D

Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


State Machines are commonly used in games to drive the actions of NPC characters.

State Machines are a fundamental concept in both computer science and game development, providing a structured model to manage complex states and transitions in a system. In the realm of game development, they offer a robust framework for controlling game flows, character behaviors, and interactive elements, ensuring that each component reacts appropriately to user inputs and game events.

Overview of State Machines

At its core, a State Machine consists of a set of states, transitions between those states, and actions that result from a state change. States represent the various conditions a game entity can be in, while transitions are the rules that determine when and how the entity moves from one state to another. Actions are the outcomes or behaviors that result from a state change.

State Machines are crucial in game development for several reasons. They simplify the management of complex entities like characters and AI, making their behaviors predictable and easier to debug. They also facilitate scalability, allowing developers to add new states and transitions without overcomplicating the codebase.

State Machines in Unity3D

Unity3D, with its versatile and user-friendly environment, provides excellent support for implementing State Machines. The engine’s component-based architecture allows developers to encapsulate states within objects, making it easy to manage state-specific behaviors and transitions.

For example, character behavior in games, such as idle, walk, run, and jump states, can be effectively managed using State Machines. Game states, like menu, in-game, pause, and game-over, can also be controlled, ensuring smooth transitions and consistent game flow.

Basics of C# for State Machines

Implementing State Machines in Unity3D typically involves using C#, a powerful programming language known for its object-oriented features. Key C# features essential for State Machines include:

  • Classes: Used to define the structure of states and the state machine itself.
    - Enums: Enumerations are ideal for defining the possible states in a readable manner.
    - Delegates: These can be used to create callbacks for entering and exiting states, adding flexibility to state transitions.
Sample of an animation state machine: The initial state is Idle. It then checks if the player is moving. If so, it transitions to the Movement State. Next, it evaluates if the player is moving upwards. If so, it transitions to the Upward State. It also checks if the player is moving downward. If so, it enters the Falling State. While in the Falling State, it assesses if the player has hit the ground. If this is the case, the player transitions to the Landing State. The player then returns to the Idle state until there is a change in state.

Sample C# Code Snippets

Defining States Using Enums:

Basic State Machine Structure:

Preview of Upcoming Articles

This introductory article sets the stage for a deeper dive into State Machines in Unity3D. In the following articles, we will explore:

— Designing and implementing a generic State Machine framework in C#.
— Advanced techniques and optimization tips for State Machines.
— Real-world applications, including character behaviors and game state management.

Each article will build upon the last, providing you with a comprehensive guide to mastering State Machines in Unity3D, enhancing both your game’s architecture and your development workflow. Stay tuned for an exciting journey into the world of State Machines!



Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.