Beginning Game Development: State Machine II

Designing a State Machine in Unity3D

Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner
3 min readFeb 19, 2024


State Machines are a crucial component in video game development, providing a clear and manageable way to handle the complex state changes that occur within a game. In Unity3D, leveraging the power of C# to implement these systems can greatly enhance the control developers have over game flow and character behavior. This article delves into the design of a State Machine within the Unity3D game engine, covering its key components, design principles, and visualization techniques, all illustrated through a simple game concept.

State Machine Components

At the heart of a State Machine are three critical elements: States, Transitions, and Actions.

- States: These represent the various conditions or scenarios that an object in your game can be in at any given time. For example, a character might have states such as Idle, Walking, Running, and Jumping.

- Transitions: Transitions are the rules or conditions that trigger a change from one state to another. These could be based on user input, game events, or other conditions in the game environment.

- Actions: Actions are the behaviors or outcomes that result from a state change. These can include animations, sound effects, or other game mechanics.

Design Principles

When designing a State Machine, several principles are paramount to ensure the system is scalable, maintainable, and flexible:

- Scalability: Your State Machine should be able to accommodate new states and transitions as your game evolves without requiring extensive rewrites of existing code.

- Maintainability: The system should be easy to understand and modify, allowing you and other developers to make changes and fix bugs efficiently.

- Flexibility: A well-designed State Machine can be reused across different parts of your game, from character AI to game flow control.

- State Encapsulation: Each state should encapsulate its behavior and data, minimizing dependencies on other states and making each one self-contained.

- Separation of Concerns: Your State Machine logic should be separate from the rest of your game code, making it easier to manage and update.

State Machine Diagrams

Visualizing the structure and flow of your State Machine can significantly aid in its design and implementation. Diagrams can illustrate how states are connected and how transitions are triggered, providing a clear overview of the system. Tools like UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams or even simple flowcharts can be effective for this purpose.

Case Study Concept Introduction

To illustrate these concepts, let’s consider a simple platformer game where the player character can Idle, Walk, Jump, and Fall. Each of these actions represents a state in our State Machine, and the transitions between these states are determined by player input and game physics.

Code Sample: Defining States and Transitions

Here’s a basic example of how you might define states and transitions in C# for our platformer game character:

In this code sample, `CharacterStateMachine` manages the character’s states and transitions based on player input. The `Update` method checks the current state and player inputs to determine if a state transition should occur.

By understanding and implementing these core concepts and principles, you can create robust and flexible State Machines in Unity3D, laying a strong foundation for your game’s logic and behaviors.



Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.