Beginning Game Development: State Machine III

Implementing a Generic Animation State Machine in C#

Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner
7 min readFeb 20, 2024


1. Generic State Machine Framework:

To create a generic animation state machine, we define a base `AnimationState` class and a `AnimationStateMachine` class. Each animation state represents a specific animation, such as Idle, Walking, Running, Jumping, etc.

AnimationStateMachine Class:

The AnimationStateMachine class manages the current animation state and facilitates transitions between states. It provides methods to change the current state and ensures proper state initialization, update, and cleanup.

Detailed Description:

  • The AnimationState class is declared as abstract to serve as a template for specific animation states such as Idle, Walking, Running, etc.
  • It contains a protected member animator of type Animator which holds a reference to the Animator component associated with the game object.
  • The SetAnimator method allows setting the Animator component for a particular animation state instance.
  • Abstract methods Enter(), Update(), and Exit() define the lifecycle of each animation state:
  • Enter() method is called when the state is entered, typically used for initializing animations or setting parameters.
  • Update() method is called each frame to update the state's behavior, including checking conditions for transitions.
  • Exit() method is called when the state is exited, used for cleanup or resetting parameters.

AnimationStateMachine Class:

The AnimationStateMachine class manages the current animation state and facilitates transitions between states. It provides methods to change the current state and ensures proper state initialization, update, and cleanup.

Detailed Description:

  • The AnimationStateMachine class manages the current animation state and orchestrates state transitions.
  • It has a currentState property to hold the current animation state.
  • The ChangeState method is responsible for transitioning between animation states:
  • It exits the current state (if it exists).
  • Sets the new state as the current state.
  • Enters the new state, triggering its initialization.

The AnimationState and AnimationStateMachine classes form the core of the animation state machine framework. They provide a modular and extensible architecture for managing animation states and transitions within a Unity3D game, promoting code reusability and maintainability. Developers can derive specific animation states from the AnimationState base class and utilize the AnimationStateMachine to manage the overall animation behavior of game objects efficiently.

2. Transition Handling:

Transition handling within each animation state involves checking conditions and triggering state changes based on specific criteria. For example, transitioning from Idle to Walking when the player presses a movement key.

Detailed Description:

Class Declaration:

  • The IdleState class inherits from the AnimationState base class, indicating that it is a specific type of animation state.
  • It provides concrete implementations for the abstract methods defined in the AnimationState class: Enter(), Update(), and Exit().

Enter Method:

  • The Enter() method is called when the state machine transitions into the idle state.
  • Within the Enter() method:
  • The animator.SetBool("isIdle", true) statement sets the "isIdle" parameter in the Animator controller to true.
  • This triggers the idle animation associated with the game object, indicating that it is in the idle state.

Update Method:

  • The Update() method is called each frame while the state machine is in the idle state.
  • In the case of the idle state, there may not be any specific update behavior required.
  • Developers can optionally include logic here to check for conditions that may trigger transitions to other states, such as movement input from the player.

Exit Method:

  • The Exit() method is called when the state machine exits the idle state and transitions to another state.
  • Within the Exit() method:
  • The animator.SetBool("isIdle", false) statement resets the "isIdle" parameter in the Animator controller to false.
  • This ensures that the idle animation is deactivated when exiting the idle state, preventing it from continuing to play in other states.

The IdleState class encapsulates the behavior associated with the idle animation state within an animation state machine. It defines methods for initializing, updating, and cleaning up the idle state, providing a modular and organized approach to managing animation states in a Unity3D game. Developers can customize the behavior of the idle state by implementing additional logic within the Enter() and Update() methods as needed.

3. Event-Driven State Transitions:

Event-driven state transitions can be utilized for more complex transitions, such as transitioning from Jumping to Falling when the player reaches the peak of their jump.

Detailed Description:

Class Declaration:

  • The JumpingState class inherits from the AnimationState base class, indicating that it is a specific type of animation state.
  • It provides concrete implementations for the abstract methods defined in the AnimationState class: Enter(), Update(), and Exit().

Enter Method:

  • The Enter() method is called when the state machine transitions into the jumping state.
  • Within the Enter() method:
  • The animator.SetTrigger("jump") statement triggers the jump animation in the Animator controller associated with the game object.

Update Method:

  • The Update() method is called each frame while the state machine is in the jumping state.
  • In the JumpingState, the Update() method checks if the peak of the jump has been reached:
  • If the peak has not been reached and specific conditions (such as maximum jump height) are met, the animation transitions from ascending to descending.
  • Upon reaching the peak, the isPeakReached flag is set to true, and the "isJumping" parameter is disabled while the "isFalling" parameter is enabled in the Animator controller.

Exit Method:

  • The Exit() method is called when the state machine exits the jumping state and transitions to another state.
  • Within the Exit() method:
  • The animator.SetBool("isFalling", false) statement disables the "isFalling" parameter in the Animator controller, ensuring that the falling animation is deactivated when exiting the jumping state.

The JumpingState class encapsulates the behavior associated with the jumping animation state within an animation state machine, including both ascending and descending phases of the jump. It defines methods for initializing, updating, and cleaning up the jumping state, providing a modular and organized approach to managing animation states in a Unity3D game. Developers can customize the behavior of the jumping state by implementing additional logic within the Update() method to handle specific conditions related to the jump animation.

4. Testing and Debugging:

Testing and debugging are critical phases in the development of an animation state machine to ensure smooth and accurate animation transitions. Here’s a closer look at testing strategies and common debugging techniques:

- Unit Testing: Write unit tests to verify the functionality of individual animation states and their transitions. Test scenarios include transitioning between states, handling edge cases, and reacting to different input conditions.

- Integration Testing: Conduct integration tests to validate the interaction between animation states and other game systems. Test how the animation state machine integrates with player input, physics, collision detection, and other gameplay mechanics.

- Visual Debugging: Use visual debugging tools provided by Unity, such as the Animator Controller window and Animation Debugger. These tools allow you to inspect the current state of animation parameters, transitions, and blend trees in real-time, helping identify issues with animation playback and state transitions.

- Logging and Console Output: Implement logging and console output statements in your code to track the execution flow and state changes within the animation state machine. Log relevant information, such as state transitions, input events, and animation triggers, to diagnose unexpected behavior during runtime.

- Error Handling: Implement robust error handling mechanisms to gracefully handle exceptions and unexpected conditions that may arise during animation playback. Use try-catch blocks and error logging to capture and report errors, preventing crashes and ensuring a smooth user experience.

- Manual Testing: Perform manual testing by playing through different gameplay scenarios and observing how animations behave in response to player actions. Test various movement patterns, interactions with objects and NPCs, and environmental conditions to validate the accuracy and consistency of animation transitions.

- Performance Profiling: Profile the performance of your animation state machine to identify any bottlenecks or performance issues that may impact gameplay experience. Use Unity’s built-in profiling tools to analyze CPU and GPU usage, memory allocation, and frame rate to optimize animation performance and ensure smooth gameplay on target platforms.

By adopting a comprehensive testing and debugging approach, developers can identify and resolve issues early in the development process, ensuring that the animation state machine functions as intended and delivers a polished and immersive gaming experience.


By implementing a generic animation state machine in C#, developers can efficiently manage complex animation behavior in Unity3D games. With proper transition handling, event-driven architecture, and thorough testing, developers can create immersive and dynamic animations for their game characters and objects.



Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.