Beginning Game Development: State Machine IV

Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner
Published in
4 min readFeb 20, 2024

Advanced Techniques and Optimization for State Machines in Unity3D

State machines are powerful tools for organizing and managing complex behavior in Unity3D games. In this article, we’ll explore advanced techniques and optimization strategies to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of state machines.

1. Hierarchical State Machines:

Detailed Description:

  • The code snippet demonstrates a hierarchical state machine structure, where a ParentState contains a nested childState.
  • The ParentState class inherits from a base State class, indicating it is a specific state within the state machine.
  • The ParentState constructor accepts an instance of a childState, allowing for the nesting of states.
  • The Enter() method is called when the ParentState is entered, providing an opportunity for initialization.
  • The Update() method is responsible for updating the state's behavior. In this example, it delegates the update to the childState, enabling nested state behavior.
  • The Exit() method is called when the ParentState is exited, allowing for cleanup or resetting state parameters.

2. Performance Considerations:

Detailed Description:

  • The code demonstrates a performance optimization technique by caching frequently accessed state objects within a StateMachine.
  • The StateMachine class maintains a stateCache dictionary, where the key is the type of the state and the value is the cached state object.
  • The GetState() method retrieves a state object based on its type. If the state is not cached, it creates a new instance using reflection (Activator.CreateInstance) and caches it.
  • Caching state objects reduces instantiation overhead and memory usage, especially in scenarios where states are frequently accessed or reused.

3. State Machine Patterns:

Detailed Description:

  • The code showcases the implementation of a Singleton pattern for a GameManager class, which manages a state machine.
  • The GameManager class ensures that only one instance (Instance) exists throughout the game via a static property.
  • In the Awake() method, it checks if an instance already exists. If not, it sets the current instance to Instance and ensures it persists between scenes (DontDestroyOnLoad). If a duplicate instance is found, it destroys it to maintain the Singleton pattern.
  • The stateMachine field represents the state machine managed by the GameManager.
  • Implementing a Singleton pattern ensures centralized control and coordination of game states, facilitating better organization and management of game behavior.

4. Integrating with Unity3D Features:

Detailed Description:

  • The code demonstrates integrating a state machine with the Unity animation system for a player character (PlayerAnimator).
  • The PlayerAnimator class manages the player's animations using an Animator component and a StateMachine.
  • In the Awake() method, it initializes the animator reference to the Animator component attached to the game object and instantiates the stateMachine.
  • It then adds specific player states (e.g., IdleState, WalkState) to the stateMachine, passing the animator reference to each state for animation control.
  • During the Update() method, the player's state is updated based on input or game conditions, triggering the appropriate animation state transitions.
  • Integrating state machines with Unity features such as animation enables developers to create dynamic and responsive gameplay experiences, enhancing player immersion and engagement.


Mastering advanced techniques and optimization strategies for state machines in Unity3D can significantly enhance game development workflows and improve overall game performance. By leveraging hierarchical structures, optimizing performance, following established patterns, and integrating with Unity features, developers can create more robust and efficient state machine systems for their games.



Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.