Beginning Game Development: State Machine V

Real-World Applications and Examples

Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner
5 min readFeb 20, 2024


In this article, we delve into real-world applications and examples of utilizing state machines in Unity3D projects. From implementing character behaviors to managing game states and UI systems, state machines play a crucial role in creating dynamic and responsive gameplay experiences.

1. Implementing Character Behaviors:

State machines are widely used to define and manage character behaviors in games, ranging from enemy AI to player control states. Let’s take a look at an example of implementing enemy AI using a state machine:

Detailed Description:

Class Declaration:

  • The EnemyAI class inherits from MonoBehaviour, indicating it is a Unity component script attached to a game object.
  • This script manages the behavior of an enemy character using a state machine.

StateMachine Initialization:

  • In the Awake() method, a new instance of the StateMachine class is created and assigned to the stateMachine field.
  • Various states representing different behaviors are added to the state machine using the AddState() method.
  • In this example, states such as PatrolState, ChaseState, and AttackState are added to handle different aspects of enemy behavior.

Update Method:

  • The Update() method is called once per frame by Unity's game loop.
  • Within the Update() method, the Update() function of the StateMachine instance is called to update the current state of the enemy AI.
  • This allows the enemy AI to dynamically transition between different states based on game conditions and player interactions.


The EnemyAI script demonstrates the implementation of enemy AI behavior using a state machine in Unity3D. By organizing different enemy behaviors into separate states and utilizing a state machine to manage state transitions, developers can create more dynamic and responsive enemy characters in their games. This approach promotes modularity, flexibility, and maintainability, allowing for easier iteration and expansion of enemy AI functionality as the game evolves.

2. Game State Management:

Managing game states such as start, pause, and end states is essential for controlling the flow of gameplay. Here’s an example of handling game states using a state machine:

Detailed Description:

Class Declaration:

  • The GameManager class inherits from MonoBehaviour, indicating it is a Unity component script attached to a game object.
  • This script serves as the central manager for game state transitions using a state machine.

StateMachine Initialization:

  • In the Awake() method, a new instance of the StateMachine class is created and assigned to the stateMachine field.
  • Initial game states, such as StartState, are added to the state machine using the AddState() method.
  • Additional game states, such as PauseState and EndState, can be added as needed to handle different game states and transitions.

Update Method:

  • The Update() method is called once per frame by Unity's game loop.
  • Within the Update() method, the Update() function of the StateMachine instance is called to update the current game state.
  • This allows the GameManager to dynamically transition between different game states based on player actions, game events, or other triggers.


The GameManager script demonstrates the implementation of game state management using a state machine in Unity3D. By organizing different game states into separate states and utilizing a state machine to manage state transitions, developers can create more dynamic and responsive gameplay experiences. This approach promotes modular, scalable, and maintainable game state management, allowing for easier implementation of complex game logic and features.

3. UI and Menu State Management:

State machines can also be applied to manage complex UI systems, including menu navigation and UI interactions. Here’s a simplified example of UI state management:

Detailed Description:

Class Declaration:

  • The UIManager class inherits from MonoBehaviour, indicating it is a Unity component script attached to a game object.
  • This script serves as the manager for UI state transitions using a state machine.

StateMachine Initialization:

  • In the Awake() method, a new instance of the StateMachine class is created and assigned to the stateMachine field.
  • Various UI states, such as MainMenuState, OptionsMenuState, and PauseMenuState, are added to the state machine using the AddState() method.
  • Additional UI states can be added as needed to manage different UI screens, menus, or user interactions.

Update Method:

  • The Update() method is called once per frame by Unity's game loop.
  • Within the Update() method, the Update() function of the StateMachine instance is called to update the current UI state.
  • This allows the UIManager to dynamically transition between different UI states based on user input, game events, or other triggers.


The UIManager script demonstrates the implementation of UI state management using a state machine in Unity3D. By organizing different UI states into separate states and utilizing a state machine to manage state transitions, developers can create more dynamic and responsive UI systems. This approach promotes modularity, scalability, and maintainability in UI development, allowing for easier implementation of complex UI behaviors and interactions.

4. Lessons Learned and Best Practices:

Building and applying state machines in Unity3D projects provide valuable lessons and best practices. Some key takeaways include:

- Keep states and state transitions modular and well-organized for easy maintenance and scalability.
- Use descriptive state names and clear state transition conditions to improve code readability.
- Test state machines thoroughly to ensure correct behavior under various game conditions and edge cases.
- Utilize design patterns such as the Singleton pattern for managing global game states and the Observer pattern for event-driven state transitions.
- Document state machine architecture and behavior to facilitate collaboration and future development.


State machines offer a versatile and efficient approach to managing complex behaviors, game states, and UI systems in Unity3D projects. By applying lessons learned and best practices, developers can create more robust and immersive gameplay experiences for players.



Lem Apperson
Unity Coder Corner

Seeking employment using Uniy3D software solutions. Learning C++ and Unreal to expand my skills.