Self Guided Journey:
Chapter 5— Soul Connection

Louise Marra
Unity House
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2018

Recently I have been deepening in the strata of the soul. It is winter at home and I felt the sap in my garden start to settle and along with it, I felt my own sap settle.

Allowing ourselves to settle into the deeper currents of our lives, helps us enter the territory of the soul. The energy of my mind and that of my soul feel different. My soul has a richness, a creativity, a greater depth and power. When I am connected to my soul I feel a vibrancy, a magnetism. When I disconnect, I feel depleted. It is easy to overlook in the hurry of life. It is delicious when I stop and inhabit it.

The more I work with listening, the more I realise what a true art it is and how many layers of listening there are. It is a competency, I believe, we really need to develop to truly know ourselves and others. It is the gateway to the soul.

We can listen for our words and their information, we can listen for emotion, we can listen for purpose, for essence and soul — both within us and within others. We can also listen to the space between, the silence and the space within. In all these listening spaces, we are listening to energy. It is a felt sense. These are our natural capacities that we often lose touch with, we forget to exercise them.

I feel we are needing and are entering a time of soul retrieval. Are you ready?

The focus of this month is to practice soul retrieval.

Inquiry — Your relationship with your soul

Do you feel connected to your soul?

What things get in the way of this connection?

What reconnects you with your soul — which people, books, music, activities?

What does your energy of your mind feel like and what does the energy of your soul feel like? How do they feel different?

Does your soul need attention?

Where is it asking you to deepen your relationship with it?

Action — Connect with your soul

From your list of activities that help you connect with your soul, pick one and increase its frequency in your life. Notice what shifts for you.

And have a soul conversation with someone close to you, ask them about theirs — just see where it goes, where the soul travels is always a bit of a mystery!

Practice — Listen to your soul

Summons your soul, invite it in. Each day this month take a few minutes to pause and settle and invite your soul to inform your life. See what happens. Watch what people talk to you about, what arrives for you over this time.

Also practice deeper listening — listen to what your head is saying, then listen to what your soul is saying, then listen to what your soul is saying. Is there a difference?

