Self Guided Journey:
Chapter 8— Refresh

Louise Marra
Unity House
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2018

“Life isn’t just about finding yourself, it is also about creating yourself.” — George Bernard Shaw

I love this quote because it reminds us that our life is a creation. We can either become a shaper of our life, or have our past conditioning shape us. I also love it because personally, I spent so much of my life trying to fix myself so I could enjoy my life more, instead of seeing my life as a process of allowing more and more expansion of who I think I am so that I can express more of life through me.

This is a major change in orientation, and one that leads to a far more enjoyable and deeper life.

Spring is a time of the new — the creativity of life expressing itself anew after folding inwards for the winter. We can also re-freshen ourselves, update and recreate our way of being in the world. Creating new habits does help free our energy, as we often get stuck in habits. Trying new things or trying old things in a new way can be so refreshing.

We can get so stuck in impressing or protecting that we forget to just express our own truth and uniqueness.

Take some time to journal yourself as a piece of art and expression. And remember it is a piece of art never complete, always changing and evolving moment to moment. It is a beautiful contemplation and honouring of our unique way of expressing life that adds to the whole tapestry of consciousness expressing itself.

Inquiry — your life as your piece of art.

What life have you created for yourself?

Do you like your creation?

Does it feel like the full artistry of yourself?

What would you like to change, deepen or begin?

What habits are you tired of?

Can you let yourself see your life as an act of creation?

Can you let yourself be your most expressive version of you? What might need to fall away to do that?

Can you let others be the expression of themselves ?

Action — expressing in the world

You could get some feedback on how others see you expressing your uniqueness in the world.

Also take some time to write down all the habits in your life, which ones are ready to change and how might you change them.

Try two new things — just give something new a go with pure curiosity — who knows, you may find a new bliss in life.


Practice doing small things differently — change your routines — even simple ones, how you go about your morning, what you eat for breakfast. Freshen up.

We can either speak to express or to impress, practice pausing before you speak and asking yourself, what would I like to express of myself in this moment? — you might be astounded at this simple difference.

Practice a curious attitude and one of not having to prove but having to learn and integrate new insights in to yourself.

