Unity 2d P athfinding Free Plugins You Should See

Unity3d Users
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2014


In our previuse post we shared Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial Using Poly|Nav but this plugin was paid.

Today we are her tp provide some free plugins for unity 2d pathfinding.

Unity makes it possible to rapidly bring your scene to life using automatic navigation mesh (NavMesh) creation. NavMeshes explain the limitations of any navigable space inside your game and they are used at runtime for path-finding. Bake your navigation data within the editor, and allow Unity’s high-performance path-finding and crowd simulation dominate at runtime.

Through Unity 4's support of NavMesh obstacle, your agents have the ability to respond to dynamic and transforming environments.

Here are 2 free plugins for unity 2d pathfinding

Simply A*

Simply A* is actually two pathfinding solutions in a single package.

It includes a grid based solution with auto generated maps as well as a waypoint solution with totally running editor extension. Using the waypoint solution you’ll setup precisely the paths you need without having a single line of code!

Both systems is made on a lighting fast framework which makes sure you’ll maintain increased FPS for your games.

The project includes a comprehensive documentation / tutorial PDF as well as two scenes revealing a setup for each solution. The project is developed in C# and all code is completely available.

Download on assetstore


Revolutionary AI pathfinding system with no Navigationmesh. Offering plenty of several useful options to allow the pathfinder easily fit in any situation, programable obstacles, static obstacles and helpful debugging and testing features.

Download on assetstore

you should see also:
Unity 2d Pathfinding Tutorial
Free unity assets
unity admob plugin

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