Procrastination: Challenge Accepted

Christina Giaramani
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2020

Whether you are frightened of failing or you are a perfectionist, whether you have a lack of energy or you are unable to focus, you know pretty well how it is to be a procrastinator.

For those though who don’t, procrastination signifies the avoidance of a task that needs to be accomplished.

But let’s bring some misconceptions to the table.

It is not…

Procrastination is not happening periodically. It is not happening only when you are busy or you have 100 hours of free time. It is not related to laziness. It is not a 6-minute experience and after that, you are done and ready to go back to your work. No. It is always there whenever you have a target, a task to do and instead of it, you are choosing to do 1 million other things. I always imagine it as a small kid who talks near my ear and is making all the time excuses in order to play with his friends and have fun.

Please don’t start panic now.

It DOES happen to everyone

In case you are wondering if you are the only one who is a victim of procrastination. You are mistaken. Everyone is a procrastinator. Some of us just are better handlers, some are not.

So start by feeling better about yourself. You are not alone in this mess.

Lead your brain before it leads you

Your brain is evil. Well if not evil it strives to find ways to feel comfortable and cozy. So whenever you are doing a hard and unpleasant task, like homework or washing the dishes, it feels pain till death. And who does like to get hurt? Therefore it tries to change this situation by moving to another activity which is way more joyful and pleasant.

In other words, it welcomes you to the comfort zone. The zone where everything inside of it is way too pleasant and happy, full of rainbows and shiny stars, but everything outside seems terrifying and chaotic.

Of course, it’s fine to be sometimes in the comfort zone. It is relaxing. But no one achieved something while he was there. Progress comes when you step out of it. The world is not the way it is. It is changing every single day. No inventions would have occurred if people never dreamed, risked, and imagined a better world.

This pain is temporary. After you start the task, your brain is starting to get familiar with the new environment. So the pain gradually is decreased, until it reaches zero.

The million-dollar question now is: How to get yourself motivated to start with the task?

Observe yourself

The first step is to ask yourself: When and why am I procrastinating? Pay attention to the situations in which you are making the biggest excuses in order not to do something. Is it because you are afraid of something? Does the result of the task affect you personally?

Prioritize jobs

Prioritizing tasks is essential in case you have a dozen jobs to accomplish. Put in the top priority these particular things that are urgent and no postpone is applicable. A friendly reminder: Be precise with these decisions because one task which was more important yesterday, in 1 hour can be less important.

Multitasking not found

Multitasking is a trap. It doesn’t even exist. You might think that you can work on different topics both simultaneously and efficiently, however, this could lead only to detonation. It is actually proved that the human brain needs 15 minutes on average to refocus.

Now multitasking doesn’t seem such a good approach, right?

5-minute rule

Just say: “I will work on my project only for 5 minutes”. Brain indeed gets persuaded that it will last only this short time. But of course, the work will last a bit longer. Suddenly the brain stops hurting, is getting familiarised with the task, and the level of pleasure is reached.

No one said it is going to be an effortless process. No one said also that one problem cannot turn into a completely new opportunity. Shape and transform this opportunity as you like, for a better world.

Well, if not for a better world, for “You”.

