
In today’s report, we have China (Xiamen and Shenzhen), Hong Kong, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Monaco, San-Remo (Italy) and Tunisia. Also featured are hypertokens, ultra-fast Bitcoin and negotiations with Central Banks of several countries at once

Alexander Borodich
8 min readMay 16, 2018


As I warned you several weeks ago, long national holidays in Russia can affect schedules in May and interfere with the plans. ☺ Fortunately, in our case the delays are minimal, between 48 and 72 hours, which we consider generally acceptable, as it only happens twice a year (Russians and ex-Russians officially celebrate the New Year for two weeks, January 1 to January 15, and May holidays, from May 1 to May 10).

Nevertheless, we are moving forward with our 100-day plan, carefully completing tasks, publishing releases and continuing business development in those countries and industries that we think would benefit most from blockchain implementation.

The results of the last two and a half weeks all fit under the heading “Night flight to…”.

Night flight to Xiamen, China

China // Time to start at the Celestial Empire

- I did a big presentation at the First Fintech Expo in Xiamen, explaining the role of blockchain the FinTech world of the future, on how the role of the banks changes with the advent of blockchain, and why the governments need smart money. Next there was a panel discussion, in which we discussed the role of smart financial infrastructure and the future of financial mesh networks. The event was supported by the local authorities — a clear sign that the government of China is greenlighting the blockchain technology, despite its stiff stance towards ICOs and crypto currencies.

- I gave an interview to Russian and Chinese media, sharing my view on how the financial world will change with the advent of blockchain technology and what role will be played by state-owned and private blockchains. I also spoke about Chinese national blockchain and the opportunity of building business in China for non-Chinese technology companies.

- I had highly positive negotiations with the friendly IOB.Fund regarding joint development of next-generation financial infrastructure based on Universa blockchain.

- I held negotiations with local investors and partners on developing Universa China and the first joint steps to achieve common goal in the development of Universa in China.

- Flight back to Europe; surprisingly it was a daytime flight ☺


- Held negotiations with the best financial consultant in Monaco regarding the future of implementing blockchain technology in this country and the possibilities for development of Universa.


Thanks God, San Remo is not so far from Monaco ☺ No flights this time

Chief Universa Officers — Alexander Borodich and Sergey Chernov

- Celebrated CTO’s birthday in San Remo, Italy. The project team and a group of our most devoted fans, well aware of the CTO’s passion for ASCII art, have prepared a universal response to all the haters. Let’s call this killer argument in a dispute with haters “Figure one”, then whenever you are in doubt, “See Figure 1”, or “See Fig.1”

Fig. 1

- We had a product brainstorming session, which will result in several new, simple services based on Universa Blockchain technology.

- Night flight to Moscow


May 7 — had a speech and breakfast with the representatives of venture investment community, speaking about the prospects of investing in tokens and blockchain infrastructure; I recommended several promising projects for the first token investment experience.

- Night flight to Hong Kong

Hong Kong / Shenzhen

- Spoke at the Blockchain Summit Hong Kong conference with a presentation “The Blockchain that will Change the World”. Described examples of blockchain usage for automating tax collection, creating smart money and moving to smart electronic workflow using Universa Smart Contracts.

- Met Shenzhen business community representatives and agreed on joint development of several global projects based on Universa Blockchain.

- Night flight to Russia

St. Petersburg // YPO Russia

- Spoke at the YPO meeting of top managers from all over the world, showing a picture of the world after the blockchain revolution. We agreed to try and implement Universa Blockchain at a global food chain and a major European bank. Universa and me as its founder and CEO were invited to become a member of the YPO.

(weekend here)

- Night flight to Tunisia

Tunisia // AfricaBlockchainSummit.com

The event in Tunisia was very special and very unusual by the cryptoworld measure. First, it was organized not by crypto enthusiasts as it usually happens, but by the Central Bank of Tunisia. Second, the event itself was held at the Central Bank building, which in itself a giant step forward for a high-security facility that is the Central Bank. And third, instead of the crypto nerds, the conference was attended by representatives and top managers of Central Banks from African and European countries, directors of companies like ConsenSys, Universa, Ledger, Citi, SocieteGeneral, Talan, Banque De France and a great deal of local banks.

We talked about the inevitability of transition to blockchain technologies, about the importance of understanding the difference between crypto currency and other blockchain-based financial instruments. About the way smart contracts and digital cash can save huge resources for a country, so that even the simplest tasks like clearing bank checks can be addressed using blockchain technology in 2018, which reduces the transaction time immensely. The efforts Tunisia is applying in the area of blockchain technology lead us to thinking that the first Universa HUB Africa must be opened in Tunisia.

with Governor of Central Bank of Tunisia and Universa.Tunisia team

Consensus vs AfricaBlockchainSummit

If the description above still doesn’t make it clear why I chose the trip to AfricaBlockchainForum in Tunisia over visiting Consensus, then look at this photo to see who decided to work with Universa after our report. If you still think we took the wrong course of action — see Fig.1. ☺

Please remind me to record a video lecture on how to remain fresh and upbeat after having several night flights across half the globe ☺

Now for the technological outcomes of our iteration (uploaded to Github, documented in the KB):



- Viewing information on contracts by switching to universaexplorer

- Visual bugfixes: preloader for the authorization form, displaying long key addresses, added a template to view contract information without using a third-party service

- Added local viewing of the contract information

- Fixed a bug with addresses in the universal editor

- Improved the format of automatic contract names

- Added complete logout with chat history loading on login

- Corrected updates of the order list on status change

- Fixed signature verification

- The template for creating mintable contracts (a token with additional issue possibility) // AB: You asked for it? We made it!

- Additional issue of mintable contracts (on the main page and within wallets)

- Display of ‘issued by’ status (universa, contact nick or you) on the main page and in the wallets

- Fixed searching for key by address

- Styles to display the Issuer with a tooltip in the contract table

- Added local viewing of the contract information

- Fixed a bug with addresses in the universal editor

- Corrected identification of the main sibling when exchanging monetary contracts

- Fixed the RoleLink creation in the universal editor


- Added the possibility of displaying notification for results of user actions

- Deleting/editing token contracts

- chatle js api base classes using scala

- Scala.js

- created dynamic get/set for nested Maps

- chatle api calls from scala

- extended methods of working with the key pairs

Universa explorer // Blockchain Explorer

- Fixed the problem with the Contract ID — it was not saved in memory, which resulted in incorrect display of contract information

- Added styles for the key block

- Support for predetermined base64 contract

Universa MainNet // Blockchain

- implemented valid_until for transactional section

- resync command: description, uniclient

- implemented commands in uniclient that allow registering payments combined with transactions (paying parcel)

- SLOT1: distributed paid data storage on the network

- tests for verifying slot contracts (storage and audit time of the contract stored);

- added tests for slot contract methods within a simple contract;

- Slot 1 payment tests

- code review of Slot1 & Node-side contracts

- improved and debugged ledger tables/functions for slot1

- table clearing function on revocation of a slot contract

- ledger cleared from expired storage subscriptions

- Name Service: (in early stages)

- Ledger expansion for Name Service

- Implemented API methods (unsRate, queryNameRecord, queryNameContrtact) in ClientHTTPServer (in process).

- Node 3.4.9


- Extended references/transactions

- Bug fixes and performance improvements


- Added autosave of article drafts, with automatic rollback to the latest draft saved

- Trilateral text merger on conflicts with article modification enables more efficient corrections in background mode and simultaneous editing by several participants

- Moved some of the articles from redmine-Wiki network project


- added a scheduler for regenerating failed contracts, extended tests

- Improved reliability of automatic contract generation on U in case of Ethereum failures

- Improved reliability of automatic hypertoken generation on failed connections to external networks

- Revised StateMachine for processing complex and lengthy graphs resulting from withdrawing funds

- The possibility to refund/cancel+refund contracts for withdrawal of funds when this is technically possible

- Handling the situation with erroneous transfer contract submitted: in certain cases the funds will be automatically returned to the owner.

- In the Ethereum handling subsystem, transaction receipts are now requested correctly if the previous request did not return a response (even though they are actually accessible)

- Corrected the error with ERC20 token accounting (including UTNP), which previously resulted in substantial delays in accounting: now UTNP payments are accounted promptly, the way it should be.

- Preparatory work (related to calculating the minimum Gas price necessary) for consolidating Ethereum-based payments.

Teaser // what we are working on…

Biometric card with CryptoWallet inside


We are always happy to answer your questions in the Telegram channel — t.me/uplatform (EN) and t.me/universa (RU).

Follow the news in t.me/UniversaNews (EN) and t.me/UniversaNewsRu (RU).

Sincerely your Paranoid CEO, Alexander Borodich



Alexander Borodich

Universa Blockchain Founder and CEO, Business angel, accredited investor, serial entrepreneur, addicted to travel and decentralized tokenized economy