Moscow Supercluster Needs Intellectual Property Assessment Mechanism, Expert Says

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2 min readFeb 25, 2019

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Alexander Borodich, Founder of blockchain platform, explains this will promote investment in research and development

The Moscow-based innovation cluster (supercluster) needs a mechanism for assessing intellectual property; then investors will be more likely to finance inventions. This was announced this Friday by Alexander Borodich, founder of blockchain platform, at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi.

On February 11, Moscow municipal government sent a bill to the Moscow City Parliament regarding establishment of an innovation cluster in the city. The platform is intended to bring together various isolated entities: IT companies, business incubators, techno parks, academic institutions, with the aim of expanding their scientific and productive capacity.

“If we manage to develop expertise — within the frameworks of the cluster — that would allow to better evaluate intellectual property, we [investors] would gladly provide some financing on inventions,” Alexander Borodich said.

About the Cluster

In April 2018, Moscow’s Mayor Sergey Sobyanin approached President Vladimir Putin with a proposal on establishing an innovation cluster in Moscow. The head of state signed the respective decree on 26 November 2018.

Head of Moscow municipal government’s Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development Christina Volkonitskaya says the department is the main implementing partner of the President’s decree.

The cluster will offer extensive infrastructure for innovation support, including techno parks, business incubators and financial instruments such as loans, tax incentives and venture investments.

The cluster will bring together more than a thousand entities representing Moscow’s innovation infrastructure. Its prospective participants include 173 educational and 719 scientific institutions and 7240 industrial enterprises.

About the Forum

Russian Investment Forum takes place in Sochi February 14–15. The main topic of this year’s event is the implementation of national projects. The Forum is organized by Roscongress Foundation. TASS Information Agency is the General Information Partner and photo hosting agency of the Forum.




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