Next 100 Days

Alexander Borodich
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2018

Hello everyone,


Nothing is harder for a project than giving yourself very challenging plans for the next 100 days, rather than just setting some global goals, like “release DexExchange in Q4” to make it easier to deal with a simple plan later on. Nevertheless, we have not changed our roadmap since last July, and of course the reality was somewhat different from what we envisaged back in July 2017. We had to move our Token Sale back two months, from August to October, yet we made a conscious decision to keep the original roadmap, so we can look at it and see our progress compared to our own original plans.

Brief summary:
TestNet was launched ahead of the plan, UTNP done in accordance with the internal plans (it was not part of the original roadmap), MainNet public release went just a little behind schedule (12 days, to be precise). Mac and Android clients had to be shifted, as storing UTNP does not require a separate application from Universa. Instead of Smart Token, we made a universal template smart contract, which is well suited for creating complex inherited smart contracts. Liquidity Ocean is under tests now as part of our solution for a bank customer. When that solution is complete, it will be released to Universa MainNet. Blockchain Academy has been launched as a project (I hope you remember the mentions of educational initiatives in our past reports — Russia, Malaysia, China, and an online training course is now in the works).

Trust & Reputation Score have been delayed indefinitely, as a Universa-based private application.

Now the time has come to rewrite our roadmap, knowing our current team’s working speed. Let’s start with a strict schedule for the entire team for the next 100 days. What can prevent this? Other than the ever-changing global situation, we can also be prevented from the extended holidays on May 1–10 and various force majeure circumstances that unfortunately no one can be prepared for.

So, in the next 100 days we must build a common living mechanism in our company — a single sales mechanism for all the different countries, social media marketing, step up core development, enter new markets and expand our presence in different regions (South Europe, North Europe, South-East Asia, China, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Russia, Turkey, Middle East, North Africa)

We have thought of some vertical chains where we think Universa Blockchain will come in handy:

Banks — interbank transfers
Supply chains — digital history of the goods;
Government — smart money, public registers;
Education — diploma and grade verification;
Retail — protection against counterfeit goods

We will release our fast and cheap UTN tokens, and of course we will learn to accept and work with Bitcoin/Ethereum blockchains. We will also release cross-blockchain smart contracts that will enable us to demonstrate the full power of Universa Blockchain.

We have identified some bottlenecks in our marketing and communication efforts, and we are going to fix those — see the 100-day plan for more detail.

And we will also summarize the results in the next 100 days. And the reports will be coming out every two weeks, so we don’t have to spend 4 hours on writing and translating each week — instead the team can spend this time working on more important and useful tasks.

Good luck, and thank you all for support.

Here goes our plan:

We are always happy to answer your questions in the Telegram channel — (EN) and (RU).

Follow the news in (EN) and (RU).

Sincerely your Paranoid CEO, Alexander Borodich



Alexander Borodich

Universa Blockchain Founder and CEO, Business angel, accredited investor, serial entrepreneur, addicted to travel and decentralized tokenized economy